Chapter Sixty Nine-Justin

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We leave Hello Baba in each other's arms, nothing needs to be said, just being in each other's arms as we walk to our car. I open the door for her to get in and close it behind me. Getting in the car, I reach over to cup her face gently in my hands, pressing sweet kisses all over her face. "I feel so blessed right now, baby, for what you have given me is truly a blessing. You give me your heart and soul, you give me your body, you give me the vow of marriage, and now" I say as my throat thickens with emotion "You've given me a child—not just one, but two children. I cannot express how thankful and how much I'm so fucking in love with you, Eva—words aren't enough. Words will never be enough to say how I feel about you, it's never-ending, baby" I croon

"I love you, so much" She sob's happy tears

"Tell you what too baby, knowing that there is life growing inside you right now, half of you and me,
has me feeling so fucking crazy right now. I want to take you home and show you exactly how crazy it's making me" I growl

She moans "Take me home then, babe,
show me" she purrs

All fucking right then I groan kissing her briefly "Let's go home" I croon and drive us home

We arrive home, I get out the car to run around to Eva's side to let her out the car. I carry her bridal style into the house and show her exactly how I feel.

It's been months since we found we were having twins, things have been busy. I've had football games nearly every week with Everton, Eva's had work and then all the hospital appointments Eva has had, her first appointment consisted in blood tests and family history, we informed the nurse of there being twins in the family and the fact we have autism in both sides of our immediate family, which they've been keeping a close eye on with the ultrasounds and blood tests. All the families illnesses were noted in her maternity file, the specialist has put her at high risk as she's developed gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. Which has had me fucking worried. At fifteen weeks, we found out that we are having a boy and a girl. We've decided to name them, Aidan and Anaya-Mae Casey. Eva then took maternity leave at the request of her doctor...

We've got an interior designer decorating the babies nursery. Eva was so pissed, when I told her she couldn't do it herself. I remember the conversation we had when we first talked about decorating the babies nursery in bed.

"I want the babies to share a room" Eva blurted at me as she rubbed her evergrowing belly

God, she's so fucking beautifulglowing, swollen with my babies

"But we have three other room's? why would you want them to share?" I ask her confused as I pull her in my arms

"I was thinking, since they're together now and they have been for the last nearly eight months, they'll obviously have a bond with sharing the same womb and stuff. I mean only till they're a little older, then put them in their own rooms" she tells me with a shrug

"Sure baby, whatever you want" I croon

"Yay" she claps giddily "I can't wait to start, we'll have to go to A DIY shop for the paint an—" she stalls mid-sentence as she must see the look on my face "what's wrong?" She asks in concern

She sure as fuck isn't lifting one fucking finger, I may not have the time to do all of it. But she ain't doing fuck all...

Eva & Her Striker (Book One Of The "And Her" Series) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now