Chapter Fifty Four-Eva

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Justin goes home to his mum and dad to tell them our news,promising to be back once he's told them and seen Brandon giving him his gifts from our trip

Amber went home still confused as to why Russ made his sudden departure...but managed to still get her opinion in about our upcoming wedding

"I better had be you maid of honour! Your my only seems right" she winks leaving before I can even respond

Me mum had told the girls of our announcements and gave them my gifts for me...I was too exhausted so I went to bed
Dad too,had gone to bed still stunned from our news...he surprised me to be honest,I had actually expected him to be upset or at least something more than quiet and in shock... I suppose he'll come around in his own time

I manage to get an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow morning to which Justin was adamant to come along with me for...

Justin comes back and get's in the lying down behind me his hand instantly goes to my stomach cradling my belly "Mum and dad are really happy for us baby" he murmurs with a smile in his voice "they were surprised we didn't tell them our news together, I told them that you were tired from the trip and everything" he says stroking my stomach

"God they probably think am a right bitch" I gasp "I should of went with you" I shake my head

Justin chuckles "Nah baby...they understood,they've asked us to come for tea one day this week,is that okay?"

"Yeah, Thank God, I don't wanna piss of my in-law's before they become my In-law's" I snort "So, are they excited about the wedding?" I ask

He snorts "You couldn't possibly piss them off baby. They love you too much, Ma especially, God, you should of seen her. She was as bad as your mum, squealing everywhere, I'm surprised you didn't hear her" he chuckles "Ma's already made plans with your mum and Barbara to talk about the wedding"

"Oh God, help us" I chuckle as Justin cup's my stomach "I really hope our baby is growing in there already" he whispers

"As much as I want there to be a baby, we need to be prepared, just Incase" I whisper

"I know baby, I just" he murmurs

"Babe, I don't wanna get our hopes up if it's not possible to be pregnant Ban, I don't know how the pill works babe!" I say

"It's okay baby, we'll see what the doc says, then go from there, Okay?" he murmurs

"Okay, I love you" I whisper, then I feel Justin kissing the back of my head as he whispers "I love you too, baby" before I fall asleep

"Okay, I love you" I whisper, then I feel Justin kissing the back of my head as he whispers "I love you too, baby" before I fall asleep

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The next day, we drive to St.Chad's Medical Centre were my doctor's are based, my appointment was for 9.45am with Dr.Winterburn.We're waiting in the waiting room to be called in "Are you sure you're okay being here with me? What if the press find out where you are? Or if someone in here recognises you?" I whisper

Eva & Her Striker (Book One Of The "And Her" Series) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now