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Pov: Mitch

So close.

We were so close. What am i supposed to do?

Kiss him or push him away. In that moment I wanted to do both.

"Mitch!" I heard coming from the stairs.

For some reason in that moment right as I heard him it made me stop wanting to kiss Scott.

But that didnt stop Scott from kissing me.

Then Avi walked in which made Scott distance himself from me and just start apologizing endlessly to him.

"Im sorry I know he is yours Mitch didnt want this. I-i im a terrible person."

"I think neither of us should date Mitch." Avi said

A solution to all our problems but it just made me angry or sad i didnt know.

"Yeah." scott said simply agreeing with Avi

"But..I dont like that idea." I said

"Then choose me or him." Avi said

I couldnt answer.

"Exactly so neither of us okay."

I nodded but I didn't want to.

Alex came up next and I left the room Scott should just get back with him.

Avi came downstairs with me.

"Can I please have just one more kiss before this ends?" he asked gently

"Yes please yes." I was begging for just one more.

He came close to me and hugged me first. Then carefully placed a kiss on my cheek and stepped away.

"Avi kaplan, that wasn't a kiss now come over here and kiss me on the lips." I said sternly

And he didn't he walked out the door without saying another word.

I guess maybe that was best. A better ending than one were we argued endlessly.

But everyone in the end got hurt.

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