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A/N: Nature is too much was camping and was writing fanfics haha. Wtf is my life well #soon is now because people are demanding I finish the story but there will be several more chapters.


Another day another Starbucks coffee. I'm way too addicted to the cold sugary drink. It'll probably be the death of me.

I sat and finished my drink feeling the caffeine high and the sugar rush kick in.

I have to still get Scott his. Its our tradition of course.


"Honey! I'm home!" I said

"Mitchie!!!" Scott ran to the door like an excited puppy.

"I got your Starbucks."

"Thanks babe." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

That made me blush

"When is our next rehearsal?" I asked Scott sitting next to him on the sofa.

Scott had the TV on a crappy channel so I changed it to spongebob.

"Three days from now and I was watching that." he tried to get the remote back

"Okaqy good and too bad."

"You can look forward to seeing you man." Scott said grinning

"He isn't my man."

"You can win him over I'm sure." he said

"I know he does not like me like that." I said sadly

"You know that what you just said right there." he said "That's bullshit."

"How do you know?" I asked

"The way he looks at you is exactly the way." he took a pause "I used to look at you. When I fell in love with you. At least he doest have to get over you." and he left the living room

Scott was in love with me? How could I not know. I was so oblivious because, I was in love with him too. Or am I still in love? But don't I like Avi?

A/N: Well that was super short but at least I'm updating next chapter #soon again

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