The Beginning

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'It was 1936. I had just came home from a funeral of a family friend, Sarah Rogers. It was said that she had died of tuberculosis, which was currently a very common disease. As I head back home, I get a message from the mail telling me to immediately report to the hospital for some very urgent news. Of course, I knew what this was about so I quickly ran without thinking of changing my clothes, to the hospital, which I could say was not far from the Stark household. 

Since I had found out about my adoption, I had made it my mission to find out who my real parents were, even if they were already deceased by the time I found them. Thankfully, the Stark family was 100% supporting my every move, keeping me in contact with the most prestigious hospitals in America. Or so, I THOUGHT they were...

I arrive at the hospital and I quickly greet the receptionist, asking for Dr. Anderson, my current doctor. "Go on up." With her acceptance,  I power walk towards his office, obviously excited at this point. Today I got to find out who my parents were. Or was I? I knock on the door hastily and with a reassuring "Come in!" I barge into the room. 

For some reason, Howard is sitting there with the doctor, looking a bit paler than the usual but I couldn't really pay attention as I was only here to find out one thing. "Welcome, Miss Marks. I believe we have some exciting news for you." I can't help but feel a little sick on the inside. As much as I was ready for this moment, my gut was telling me the complete opposite.

"What did you find, Dr?" He clears his throat and gives me a stern look. 

"We got a call a few weeks ago from an advanced DNA specialist from Hartfield, saying that they had found someone of the same DNA structure as you. When we asked who, they gave us an answer that was... somewhat abnormal." He hands me a file a paper and I grab it slowly from his hand. 

"What is it?" I ask curiously. I see the doctor giving Howard, who I had completely forgotten about , a shady look. 

"Why don't you have a look." I slowly open the file and carefully observe the data placed upon me . This file contained so many lab results of secret projects from around America. This one in particular was more focused on something called a Super-Soldier Serum. Pictures of what looked like sex cells merging, going through the fertilization process. 

As I digged deeper into the file, I found pictures of babies who were about 6 months or even 1 years old, with syringes in their arms, goodness knows why

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As I digged deeper into the file, I found pictures of babies who were about 6 months or even 1 years old, with syringes in their arms, goodness knows why. Then the last page hit me. Tucked in safely, was a documented file with the word 'FAIL' stamped across. I take a closer look at name at the top to find my name on it. I could feel the doctor's eyes watching my every move, as I lifted up my filed doctor report. At the bottom where my parents names should be, was a name I never expected to be on there. HOWARD STARK. Suddenly all these emotions start to come to me. I felt so happy that I finally knew who one of my parents were but at the same time I felt so betrayed.   

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