Remembering Why I Have Scars

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Do you ever have those times in your life when EVERYONE gets really mad at you because you suddenly become an asshole?

Like when you vent to your best Internet friend about how you're jealous of your other friend and your Internet friend tries to make your other friend pissed at you because the Internet friend thinks it'll help you?

Or when you miss a friend's birthday because you got stuck at work and with family problems but you forget to call and say you can't make it?

Yeah.Everyone hates me right now...I dyed my hair dark brown tonight to show there's no going back.I can't be the shy,bubbly,giggly one anymore.It's time to grow up and move on..

From here on out,I'm 100% a junior in high school and not a kid.

I'm a brave,ruthless Dauntless initiate now.I'm not a peaceful,passive Amity anymore.

I'm doing this for what friends I have left.May they not grow to hate me.

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