Help Me

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It's back...This is serious..

The little part of me that hates myself is stronger.

I picked up the razor again this morning and let it take over...I am not okay.

I don't know what to do anymore.

No one else sees this pain I feel.

My family ignores it completely..They just spend time criticizing me...

I hide away from people to cry..Black tears streaming down my cheeks..The habit of sobbing quietly so that no one else hears..I know those feelings all too well...

No one knows that it's been this bad for this long...No one.

I can't help myself..I just need someone there,but I don't have anyone around me...

I keep calling out,but no one else hears..I spend time listening to everyone else's problems rather than speaking the truth.

I don't know what to do anymore..Someone help me.

I just need someone to talk to..I can't keep this hidden away for much longer..

They'll eventually notice that I don't talk..or care...or feel happiness..It'll eventually end up with me hurting myself too much...Then no one will ever see

Me again..

Will anyone even notice that I'm gone?

Probably not...

I'm writing this because I am out of options..I have nowhere left to turn.

I've hit

A dead end..

Dead end...

Sounds appropriate for right now....

........catch ya later........

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