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Being the eldest sibling, you learn to take charge. It becomes within you, it's written in your personality and you cannot change that. Some people might feel that you're bossy but that's just how you're used to things. 

You take care of your younger siblings therefore you have to take care of everybody else you meet.

But you get to a point where you're just tired, you need to take a break. From everything. Your responsibilities, yourself, your life, even your family. You need to get away. It feels like you just want to stop being the eldest for once, but who is willing to genuinely play the role of your elder for once?

The answer to that question is the friend you should keep. Most of the time, it's someone who's the youngest in their family: they also would like to take a break from being helpless. They want to take charges too. 

Suddenly you find yourself in front of your perfect fit, someone who is willing to be your older sibling under one circumstance, which is for you to be their younger. You'll finally feel free of charges and your mind will be clear.

Eventually, there comes a point where you'll have to go back to your reality but you'll always know that you have an escape. With them. To a place out of this world. To a reality close to your dreams.



It's been a while since I've written here on wattpad, I'm more active on instagram as @give.me.a.muse

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