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Take me away

Take me away,
Million miles away from here.
Help me find a way,
I just want to disappear.

Take me away,
Change my world upside down.
I heard them say,
You don't need water to drown.

I begged for air,
Reached for a helping hand.
"I don't care";
Said a faraway voice in that land.

I kept struggling,
Trying to get out.
I held on to the tiniest hope string,
But it let me down and broke out.

I drowned again,
In the sea of my own tears,
I had nothing anymore but a pen:
The one thing that would hold my fears.

And I could do nothing but try,
To change it all and fight the fall,
I wish I could fly,
So I could escape and stand tall,

Face all the planet, fly across the universe,
Escape from reality, where I feel like a wooden doll.
It's like I'm under a curse,
And there's no one I can call.


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