Chapter 23

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Lissa's POV
The day was here. All week we had prepared ourselves for her attack. We didn't know what to expect so we made sure that all the royals and Moroi had a chance to escape along with the next generation of dhampirs. Everyone was on edge and Court was quiet for that whole week. They were all scared. But I wasn't. I knew exactly what to expect from Rose.
We all gathered outside. I was sitting on a throne that was placed on top of some steps, making me high enough to see everyone. Guardians were surrounding me and there were guardians at the front. The atmosphere was tense as no one said anything.
"Look!" a Moroi citizen cried out, pointing into the forest in the distance. And sure enough, something emerged from the trees.
Strigoi. The most I had ever seen in my entire life. They were slowly walking out in two groups, leaving the middle free for people to walk. Once they were a few feet from the guardians, they turned towards the middle and bowed. I was confused but only for a moment. Because at that moment Rose walked out.
Four more Strigoi walked out. They were walking in line with Rose, protecting their queen. She was wearing a long black dress with a slit that shows off one of her bare legs. Her hair was left out and she was barefoot. She even had a gold crown on the top of her hair. Once she reached the front, the Strigoi stepped away and let Rose walk in front. Rose grinned wickedly as she looked at all of us in turn.
"Vasilissa! Please come down and join me so we can talk face to face." Rose said in a cheerful tone.
I stood up and let my guardians escort me. My heart was pounding in my chest as I walked towards her.
"Rose. You look...different." I said.
"Oh don't worry. Soon you'll join me and we can rule together. You've always been better at that stuff than me." Rose said.
"I'm flattered. But if I'm to become a Strigoi, I want my people to choose whether they want to."
Rose smiled at me and silent messages were passed as we looked at each other. It was almost time.
"Did you hear that everyone? We have the Moroi queen on our side!" she shouted.
Everyone cheered with her. They looked at her with happiness and admiration.
"Okay now. As I asked, I want you all in a group so I can take a photo. Come on now, everyone huddle!"
Everyone behind me looked confused. But I kept my face blank.
All the Strigoi gathered into one big group and smiled at the camera.
"To our success." Rose grinned as she pressed the button on her camera.
That's when an explosion went off.

I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting. I've been doing some family stuff and I wanted to find some time so I can properly write a chapter. And I've been having a really bad headache.
Hope you enjoyed it!
See you tomorrow!
Lots of love always,
Patreise/Pattybubs ❤🖤

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