Chapter 16

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I woke up hours later. I looked at my surroundings and noticed how defined my surroundings were. I sat up and noticed how smooth my movement was. I was confused. Why am I like this all of a sudden. I reached out my hand to support myself as I got up and I did a double take. It was pale. I jumped up and almost lost my balance at the smoothness of the movements. I walked to the mirror near by and almost fainted, which is saying something as I wasn't the fainting type.
White skin. Red-rimmed eyes. Fast, smooth movements.
I was a Strigoi.
I sat down, trying to process this information. It was clear the serum was working as I wasn't happy at this. I vaguely remember being tied up and then having some Strigoi bite into me. Then I don't remember anything else after that.
Tasha came in all of a sudden and I stood up. I had spent years studying the behaviour of Strigoi so I knew how they acted. The hardest part was to make sure I didn't blow my cover. I was good at not letting my feelings get in the way with this.
"You look amazing. I always knew you'd be a great Strigoi." she said.
"Of course Tasha what did you expect? It's me obviously." I said in my most cocky voice.
She smirked at that. Clearly she was used to this behaviour. Good. That meant that I was keeping myself hidden.
"So you and Andrew, the guy who turned you, need to go and feed now. This is the best time to feed as there will be Moroi everywhere. Are you ready to go?"
This is what I was dreading the most. Killing innocent people. I hated this more than anything.
But I had to play along. I couldn't blow my cover. Maybe I'll try and find a mean Moroi.
"Of course. I'm starving. Let's go."

So sorry for the late update. I was exhausted but I didn't want to yet you guys down.
Hope you enjoyed it!
See you tomorrow!
Lots of love always,
Pattybubs ❤🖤

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