Chapter 8

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Dimitri's POV
It was impossible. This couldn't happen. But as I looked more at Clary and stared into her brown eyes, I realised that she truly was mine. I stumbled out of the room and ran outside.
Rose's POV
I sighed as I watched him run out. I expected him to do that.
When Lissa brought me back from the dead years ago, it messed up my DNA. This has allowed me to have kids with anyone. It was a hard concept to wrap your head around so that's why I didn't tell him.
"Lisa, keep an eye on Clary. I need to go after him." I told her.
She nodded and told me to go. I ran after him.
I found him outside, seating on a bench with his head in his arms. I went and sat down beside him.
"I want to explain myself. You need to listen okay?" I demanded.
He just nodded. I took that as a good sign and started talking.
"Okay. So you know how the car crash that killed Lissa's parents and brother killed me as well? Well you know how Lissa brought me back with her spirit powers. This means that because of the spirit inside of me, I can have children with other dhampirs. I've only ever been with you so I know for certain that Clary is yours. Does that make sense?"
He looked at me, "I do Roza. I believe you."
I gave him a small smile and stood up.
"Let's go back inside."
"Wait," he said, "Roza what happens now? Do you forgive me? Technically speaking the child is mine as well so I do have the right to see her. I want to build a good relationship with her."
I turned around slowly and faced him. I knew that sooner or later Clary would have to have her true father in her life.
"Look Dimitri," I said, "I have forgiven you, but I don't trust you. If you are to be a part of Clary's life, you must prove to me that I can trust you again. Show me that you will try with her, to connect with her. Show me that you won't leave us. Allow me to let me live you again."
"Of course Roza, I will do it. I want this badly." he said.
"Well first thing's first, no more calling me Roza. You must call me either Rose or Red from now on." I looked at him in the eye.
He grinned and nodded. He came towards me and hesitantly held his arms out. I decided that I would hug him and let his arms go around me. It felt nice, safe and warm. I had missed this. We pulled apart and walked back.

"Dimka!" Tasha cried, "you've been gone for too long." she came running towards him and tried to hug him but he brushed her off. She looked at him with confused eyes. Then when she wasn't looking, she gave me a dirty look. I just smiled and shrugged and walked towards the others.
"Clary, will you come here for a second?" I said.
Clary gave Zara a hug before coming towards me.
"Clary I want you to meet someone." I said.
Clary looked at Dimitri with wide eyes. She appeared a little frightened at first but she smiled up at him.
"Clary, this is Guardian Dimitri Belikov. But he is also your real father." I explained to her.
She looked at me before looking back at Dimitri. She appeared shook. But then she ran to him and gave him a hug.
"Hi dad. It's nice to finally meet you." she said.
Dimitri hugged her back and I was happy to see that she liked him. This was only a part of me accepting him though. 
"I'll let you two catch up for a bit. I need to talk to Lissa about something." I told them.
Clary grinned and pulled Dimitri and Zara to her room to show him all of her toys and photos.
As soon as they were gone Tasha spoke up.
"Well I need to get going, I have business to attend to." she said.
"Do you want help Aunt?" Christian asked.
She didn't hear the question as she was already out the door before Christian could say anything else.
"Nevermind. I need your help anyways." I said.
Everybody turned to look at me.
"We need to solve Tatiana's case. Someone tried to frame it on me but it didn't work since I wasn't here. I feel like this will be good in helping the citizens accept us as being back to stay." I said
They all nodded and got to work. My squad and I went to the crime scene whilst everyone else stayed back to collect documents to be able to recollect what happened. 20 minutes later and we were all back in Lissa's living room.
"So this is what we know. Someone used my old stake to kill Tatiana. Judging by the number of glove prints that we could detect -"
"Wait you have machines that do that?" Eddie asked.
"Yes courtesy of Phan and Septiplier who made it thank you now stop interrupting." I said.
Eddie apologised and I continued.
"So as I was saying, judging by the number of glove prints that we could detect, this person used two hands, meaning it was a Moroi and they need to use two hands to kill someone. And we found this bit of hair," I show the bit of black hair in a little plastic bag that we found,"and we have this security footage as well."
"How did you get to the footage?" No one has been able to. Tasha told me that the combination got lost."
"We have some gadgets that can hack into the system to allow us to get what we want." I smiled wickedly.
They all looked at me and my squad in awe. I then found the footage and pressed play. We then saw the brutal murder of Tatiana. And who her killer was. We paused it to get a better look at the killer.
The killer was not who we expected.
Hope you enjoyed it!
See you tomorrow!
Lots of love always,
Pattybubs ❤🖤

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