Chapter 28

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Why is there no one outside?
Normally there would be humans patrolling the house. So why is no one there?
"Keep your eyes peeled. I feel like their preparing for an attack." I warned the others.
They nodded as we slowly made our way out of the bushes. We were invisible to others, yet I had never felt more exposed in my life.
Suddenly out of the blue a group of guards ran out of the woods and to the mansion, guns aimed at the distance.
"Where are they? We saw that ship land but I can't see them." one of them asked.
"I don't know. Just keep your eyes open. We need to protect queen Tasha."
I almost choked. Queen Tasha? Well at least now she can rule the way she wants to. Too bad her rule will be cut short.
My squad and I snuck up and we surprised them. We took them out quickly and quietly. Soon we made our way into the mansion and quietly took out everyone there. These Strigoi were unlike any I had ever seen. They were so fast, so strong and so old. They were some of the Strigoi that were known as legends in their world. They were killing machines that had managed to avoid being killed for several hundred years. A lot of us were so proud and honoured to have killed them. By the time we got to the end of the house, we were covered in blood and exhausted. But we couldn't give up. All we had left was Tasha.
There was a door at the end of the last hall. And I knew what was about to happen.
"This is it guys. Get ready. I love you all."
They all smiled and faced the door. We slowly walked up to it and opened it.
Tasha was sitting on a black and ancient throne, looking at us.
"I have been expecting you."
I rolled my eyes. "Really? Of all the things you could say, you go with the corniest thing ever? How old are you?"
Tasha growled and stood up, "How dare you speak to me like that!"
I shrugged, just to annoy her even more.
Tasha tilted her head up, "Are you here to kill me? Because if you do, nothing will stop me from killing the hostages I have."
"Hostages? What hostages?" I asked. I thought we had killed everyone.
"My friends remained hidden with them. We knew you wouldn't be able to find them."
"Who are they? Show me." I demanded.
Tasha grinned maliciously and signalled for them to come in. 5 Strigoi came in, dragging 3 hostages behind them. In that moment, my heart stopped.
And Clary.

Dun dun duuuuunnnnn! Hello everyone! So I have some fantabulous news. I'm on holidays! Schools over for the term and now I can focus a bit more on my fanfics. So I'm really sorry that this is short. But I want to let you all know that the next one is the big finale, the last chapter. And yes there will be an epilogue. So get ready guys.
Hope you enjoyed it!
See you soon!
Lots of love always,
Patreise/Pattybubs ❤️🖤

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