Chapter 1

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Note that it will be in Rose's POV unless stated otherwise. I hope you enjoy!

Pain. That's all I could feel. Half of my soul had been ripped from me, Dimitri carrying it. It seemed like all I could do was cry and I wasn't stopping. Those four words, the words that ruined me, kept replaying in my mind:
"Love fades, mine has"
I didn't realise how much I cared for him, I didn't realise I had found my other half, but then he became a Strigoi. It killed me, but I sought off to kill him, knowing that's what he would've wanted. I thought it would be simple, but it wasn't. One emotional roller coaster later and he was restored thanks to my best friend Lissa. I'd thought everything would be fine. But boy was I wrong. After he said those words I ran back to my room and cried.

Suddenly I hear a knock at my door. I shakily stand up and walk over. I open it to find Lissa. I move to let her in. I close the door and go back to sitting on my bed. Lissa walks and stands near it.
"What were thinking Rose?" she says, "I know how much you're hurting but this isn't that simple. He's feeling guilty for what he's done and your making it hard on him. You-" she stops as she looks at my face and takes it in.
"Oh my god Rose I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I'm just worried about you that's all."
"I'm not okay Liss. Dimitri is the other half of me and he just broke my heart." I say trembling.
"Rose I know that Dimitri has been favouring me over you right now but I'm sorry about that. I do want you two to get back together I just-"
"Lissa I could never be mad at you because you're my sister. I'm so proud of you. You brought him back for me. I am a little hurt but it's okay." I said reassuring her.
She smiled and pulled me in for a big hug. I'm glad that we're okay. I've missed her.
I pull away after a while because I've decided what I'm gonna do.
"Lissa I need to tell you something" I say
"Sure" she was a bit surprised.
"Remember I told you who my father is?"
"Yeah Abe Mazur"
"Well he wants me to become a Strigoi hunter and I've thought about doing this for a while and now seems like the perfect time to do it."
"Wow Rose this is a great opportunity for you and I'm happy but I wish you didn't have to go"
"I know but I think it's for the best. Can you do me a favour and get Christian, Eddie, Mia, Adrian and my mom?"
"Of course Rose anything for you" she says smiling.
She gets up to get them and I call my dad.
"Hey old man" I say
"What's up Rose?" He says
"I've decided to do it. I will be the leader of the hunters."
"Excellent Rose I'm thrilled. You will need a code name however and will no longer be able to keep your own name for safety purposes. What is your new name?"
"From now on Abe, I am the Red Rose."
"I like it Rose. I'll be getting a car for you soon to take you to the airport where you will be meeting me in Turkey."
"Awesome. See you."
I hang up and get my suitcase out. As I'm unzipping it, Lissa comes back in with everyone else.
"Rosie what's going on?" Sparky (Christian) asks.
"I'm leaving court. I can't be here because of Dimitri. He's broken my heart. So I'm going away with the help of my dad." I say
"What do you mean you're leaving Rose? And what do you mean for your father.?" my mom asks sharply.
"Look guys I need to tell you something. Abe wants me to be the leader of a pack of hunters that kill Strigoi. That's why I've been training everyday. And now it looks like I have a reason to do it. So from now on, I am no longer Rose or Rosie. You must call me the Red Rose, or Red as a nickname." I said.
They all looked at her shocked. Then her mother spoke up.
"Rose I'm going to speak to Hans to make sure he lets you go okay? Although I don't want you to go, I'll speak to him to help you." said my mother reluctantly.
I looked at her, surprised that she was helping me. I ran and hugged her. She looked taken aback but gave me a hug in return.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"It's okay." she said. "I'll make sure said that Alberta is there as well to say goodbye."
I nodded and she went outside to make the call. I turned around.
"Will you guys help me pack?"
"Of course Rose." said Eddie.
They all turned and helped me fold up clothes into the suitcase. By the time we were half way done, mom came in.
"They'll be expecting you soon Rose." she said.
"Good mom" I replied.
She came over and helped me pack the rest of my stuff. 10 minutes later I was done.
"We're gonna help take your stuff out okay? We'll be with you until you go." Mia says.
"Thank you guys. Thank you for everything." I say gratefully.
We all left and thankfully we didn't run into anyone. I went to the office and found Hans there with Alberta.
"Hello Hans." I say.
"Your mother called. I'm sorry about the way Dimitri treated you and how he  broke you." Alberta said.
I nodded. "Thank you guys. I'm glad you are letting me go. Did my mom explain what's happening?
"She did. And don't worry, we won't inform anyone else of what you're doing. You'll be safe Red." Hans says.
"We'll also keep your title to add to your kills." says Alberta.
I give them both a hug and go outside. As I'm waiting I give everyone a hug and a message.
"Mia, we might have started as enemies but I'm happy to call you my friend. Keep using your magic okay?" I tell her and she just nods, tears forming in her eyes.
"Eddie, please stay safe for me okay? Keep training and look after Lissa." He nods.
"Adrian, I want to thank you for all you've done. But I need to tell you that it won't work out because I see you as a friend. I hope you can forgive me. Stay strong okay?" He appears upset but glad that I told him the truth.
"Christian, look after Lissa. You're like a brother to me and I'm happy that you make her happy. Stay sarcastic." He smirks and pulls me into a big hug.
"Mom. I love you so much and I want you to look after Lissa. Thank you for everything." she smiles and hugs me tightly.
"Lissa..." I start, "Lissa you are my sister and my best friend. I care about you so much and I hate that I have to leave. But I want you to be strong. Stand by what you believe in and make change to our society. Don't let mean people get to you. I will check on you through the bond regularly. " she starts to cry and pulls me into a big hug.
I step back and look at everyone once I pull out of the hug.
"This is my number," I say giving it to everyone, "whilst I'm gone don't give this to anyone unless I say so. Stay safe and don't tell Dimitri anything. And remember, I'm the Red Rose now. No longer Rose or Rosemarie or Rosie. I love you all." I said.
They all nodded, waved goodbye and went back inside, for it was dangerous outside. Soon after, a car came. I was ready for this, for my new life.

Hey guys! I hope you liked it. See you all tomorrow (or if I have time maybe I'll do another one tonight)
Lots of love always,
Pattybubs ❤️

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