19.The Present Moon Pt 1

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First Person POV:
I was hanging out with Mamoru talking and chilling when Usagi walks over to us making me annoyed. Mamoru just continued to talk to me ignoring that the fact Usagi is there. Usagi then cleared her throat making us look at her.

"What do you want Usagi?" Mamoru harshly growled out at her.

"Me, Minako, Ami, Rei, Luna, and Makoto are wondering if you can come and work with us on a project since we need a lot of help on it." Usagi says causing Mamoru and me to look at her weirdly.

"What type of project is this?" he asks.

"A scout project on finding the real princess." Usagi says thinking I didn't pay attention.

Mamoru nods and then tells me he will see me later. Before he left he kissed my forehead and made me smile. As soon as he left with Usagi, I frown and pack my stuff up before heading home. As soon as everything was pack, I get up and begin to walk home until I see Mamoru and with the Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus. I saw Sailor moon holding onto my boyfriend's hand making tear well up in my eyes. Mamoru must have saw me because he let go of her hand and well I begin to run off until I run into someone. I fell to ground after I bumped into the person, so I look up. As soon as I looked up, I saw the guy who tried to kill me a while ago. I sigh and stand up. I try to walk passed him but he grabs my arm before I could leave. We soon end up in the sky making me terrified. He brings me to the tower and I am now literally crying. Cause for one, I am scared of heights; two, my boyfriend is cheating on me; and three, I was scared I was going to die. I hold onto the metal of the tower afraid to fall. After 10 minutes I see the scouts and Mamoru making me sigh. I think I rather die than anything in the world at this point in time than be requested by them. They begin to battle the guy and I just try to find away down until Sailor Jupiter stopped me. I look at her and roll my eyes. I tried to get passed Sailor Jupiter but she grabbed onto my arm and dragged me behind one of the metal beams. I look at her confused and then she sighed.

"(Y/N) what did you see when you spotted us?" She asks me making me look at her a bit shocked that she knew my name but then I went back to a neutral.

"Well I saw plenty to know Mamoru still likes Usagi. Also I know everything about this scout thing because Mamoru told me. I know you are Makoto Kino "Also Known As Sailor Jupiter"; I know Usagi Tsukino is Sailor Moon, Rei Hino is Sailor Mars, Minako Aino is Sailor Venus, and Ami Mizuno is Sailor Mercury. Mamoru told me because I don't know why. I never wanted to know anything and I never wanted to see Tuxedo Mask, a.k.a my boyfriend Mamoru in love with someone else. I never wanted to see or learn anything. I just wish I was dead at this very point cause then I wouldn't remember anything that is going on because I would have been dead." I state towards Makoto who at this point was completely shocked of what I just said.

"(Y/N) you scare me. By the way I wanted to tell you Usagi was the one who grabbed his hand. He tried to pull away and me, Makoto, Minako and Rei did try to help him by saying to let go of him but she didn't listen. Also what makes you think Mamoru likes her? Before you and Mamoru met he thought Usagi was starting to get annoying and he was about to break up with her until you came and well Usagi noticed the way he looked at you and made sure that you would never have him by making him stay with her by saying stupid things that were never true. Look what you and Mamoru have is true love and nothing will change that." Sailor Mercury/Ami says walking towards us making me and Makoto confused.

"I thought you were fighting with the others against the guy who took (Y/N), Mercury." Makoto says.

"No I wasn't, I wanted to make sure (Y/N) was alright and plus Luna told me that (Y/N) might be hiding something from us." Ami said.

"Me hide something like what past memories of when I was a kid or who I was in my passed life? Ha I don't remember anything and besides no one has a passed life." I say laughing making them look at me like I am strange.

I soon stop laughing to notice that Ami's face was sort of serious. I sigh and roll my eyes again.

"You can't be serious I have nothing to hide unless you count when I was six I stole a bunny from a local pet store where I use to live. But then again I did feel bad and then returned the bunny right after I wrote a letter to the store clerk apologizing and stating that I will never steal again. Which was true. But I have really have nothing to hide." I state to them.

"You mentioned something about passed lives. What do you know?" Ami said.

Makoto nods agreeing with Ami.

"My dad knows about passed lives because he use to teach before he went back to school to become something else. Look I know nothing about passed lives. Wait my dad did tell me a story about this moon Princess when I was little. He told me that she lived many years ago; that the princess fell in love with a prince from earth; And that she killed herself after the man she loved died. That's the story I heard, except it's not in any history books. But that's all I know. Why does Luna think I am hiding something?" I ask completely confused.

"Because she thinks your part of the negaverse?" Ami said making me look at even more completely confused.

"She means Luna thinks you are working with the bad guys." Makoto says.

"Oh. Ami next say bad guys cause Mamoru usually called them the bad guys instead of whatever work you said. And Thank you Makoto for helping me understand."

"No problem (Y/N)." Makoto says.

"(Y/N) you should stay here while we go help the others out." Ami says making me nod in agreement cause at this point I don't want to fall.

The two of them left to go fight leaving me alone, so I sit down on the metal bar until the guy that kidnapped me earlier found me and grabbed me. So I scream as I am again in the air freaking out. I soon stop freaking out when I heard Usagi laugh while I'm up in the air terrified. Man I wish I wasn't afraid of heights. I watch as the man that has me throws something at her making her....  

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