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Second POV:
You​​​​r parents wait for the doctor to tell them when the surgery is but the doctor never came.


You were being rushed off to surgery. You wanted to open your eyes but you were two tired to move. You could hear everyone talking as the surgery soon began. You wanted to say something but your mouth couldn't open. You were still shuttered in darkness. The doctors were cutting you open and all you wanted to do was scream. You could feel the pain even though you were in complete darkness. The doctors continue the surgery. It was painful but they never knew how painful it was.

***3 hours later***

The doctors finally finish your surgery and then two nurse's wheel you to a room. They hook you up to a machine. You were slowly happy and slowly trying to wake up but you couldn't. You hated being beat up by someone who is a few years younger than you. You then start to come up with a way to get her to leave you alone as you were still in total darkness. Your parents and brother came in and cried as they looked at you. They were happy to see you and you were happy to hear them except you still could not see them...Which so sucked monkey balls.

The Charmer~Mamoru Chiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now