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Second Person POV:
You and Thomas get home late, making your parents worried. You look at your mother and father as soon as you guys walk in. They quickly run over to you both and hugged Thomas really close to them. You role your eyes and head upstairs making your parents stopping you. You look at them and sigh.

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) ARE YOU LATE? AND WHY DID YOU MAKE YOUR BROTHER BE LATE TOO!?" your says as he yells at you. You sigh and begin to explain. After you finished explaining, they didn't believe and sent you to your room without dinner. You sigh and begin to smell the rose again. You smile but then frown. You put the rose in a vase with water and went to bed. You fell asleep dreaming about the guy you saw. You smiled in your sleep and began to cry softly in your sleep because your parents weren't listening to you. 

***3 hours later***

You woke up scared of your nightmare. Your parents had killed you in your dream. You began to wipe away your left over tears and you went back to bed trying not dream about what you were dreaming earlier.

The Charmer~Mamoru Chiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now