Harry one shot

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Sorry about another Harry one shot but I got a request for this so I thought I might as well write it:) hope you enjoy!


Harry had never felt so ill in his life! His head of curls was pounding, his throat blistering in pain, and not to mention the nauseous stomachache he was nursing as well.

Why did he have to be sick today? Couldn't he be sick on a day when they had studio work and he could take the day off?

But no, this sudden sickness had to come on the boys only day off this month.

Hmdh" Harry whimpered feeling his head move from a headache to a full blown migraine:(

All the boys had to be sleeping. Why wouldn't they? It was there only day off and Harry was up at the crack of dawn wishing for someone to cuddle with.

But he couldn't bother the boys. He couldn't bother them with his sickness on their day off.

So, he just layed there in pain hoping someone would be up soon.....


Harry once again woke up for what seemed like the 5th time that morning.

In and out of sleep was not so fun right now.

Harry felt the bus turn a corner under him which nearly sent him leaping out of his bunk rushing toward the bathroom.

Bursting through the door Harry threw himself in front of the toilet heaving dryly.

Harry spent a good 10 minutes hovering over the toilet... Nothing coming out. Ever

Harry groaned leaning back against the bus walls in the bathroom.

Why do these bathrooms have to be so small? Harry thought to himself feeling hot, sweaty, and cramped but still his body shook with chills.

After nearly vomiting his insides Harry thought it might be time that he actually got some help.

He was feeling very ill and couldn't take much more of it, he needed some medicine and maybe something to calm his queasy stomach as well.

Shakily standing to his feet and gripping the wall he made his way back to the bunks before looking at all of them.

He could NEVER wake Zayn so he was out. Niall doesn't do well with sick, so he probably wasn't the best choice. Louis and Liam. His cuddle buddy or daddy direction who always took care of everybody?

Harry had chose and walked slowly with a protective arm over his stomach to Liam's bunk pulling open the red curtain" Liam...." Harry whimpered out hearing how rough his voice was

Liam stirred but made no move to be awake or hear much of anything.

"Liam.." Harry whimpered again whining a bit this time

"Hmm" Liam grumbled not very happy to be woken up so early on his day off

"I don't f-feel good" Harry whispered starting to cry his voice cracking

Liam quickly turned himself over in his bunk going into daddy direction mode taking in Harry's frame.

He was pale, shaking, and has an arm around his stomach.

"What doesn't feel good?" Liam asked sitting himself up a little more on his elbows

"M-my head, my th-throat, and my belly" Harry informed Liam on everything that was hurting him

Liam frowned at how sick Harry was feeling," do you wanna go lay down in the front?" Liam asked knowing there was more room for him to lay with him

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