He's sick and alone with your kids (Zayn)

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Zayn had gone out to a football game with his 2 kids knowing they would love it!

Once they pulled into the parking lot of the game feild they piled out of the car walking towards their seats.

Zayn had started to feel a bit feverish in the car ride to the arena but he assumed he was just hot from the heat.

"Dad.....your face is really...... Pale." Your 12 year old daughter said looking at her dad closely

Your 17 year old son looked over noticing his pale face too," are you feeling okay?" Your son asked

"I feel a little under the weather but it's nothing I'm fine" Zayn said not wanting to worry his kids

"Okay." Both kids said turning their attention back to the feild

Zayn had begun to feel a little more sick throughout the game but was trying to play it off as only a small cold

"Dad... Are you sure your okay..your green" your daughter said attracting your sons attention

"I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom" zayn said getting up walking towards the toilets

Your kids gave each other worried looks and turned back to the game waiting for Zayn to return back.

Zayn had been gone for over 20 minutes and your kids were starting to worry something had happened.

It was a packed arena but toilets never took this long to wait for. They opted to get up and go look for Zayn.


"Dad you in here?" Your son asked walking into a toilet room.

He heard a small whine walking towards the occupied stall.

He opened it slowly seeing Zayn with his head on the seat and a small amount of sick in the toilet.

"You wanna go home?" He asked pulling Zayn to his feet taking him to the sink to wash off

"Yeah..... I'm sorry I ruined your day." Zayn whispered washing his hands

"It's fine, you can't help that your sick" your son said walking with Zayn out to where your daughter was waiting

"Dad I'm sorry your sick" she said sadly kissing his head

"It's okay doll" Zayn groaned softly

Once back at the car your son started to drive home," I don't feel good..." Zayn whimpered

"Want me to pull over?" Your son asked scared his dad would get sick in the new car

"No....... I just want to get home" Zayn sighed sinking lower into the seat

At home your son helped Zayn up to the master bedroom where he fell asleep clutching his stomach hoping to feel better when he woke up.


So that'd the last of this request!! Hope you enjoyed and I'm starting the new request tomorrow!!

Love ya


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