Chapter 19

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I hear a slight knock on the door. I jump and rush to open it.

My hands are trembling and I am too nervous.

"Hi", I mutter.

"You okay? Something bothering you?", he asks.

Seriously? How can he ask me that. He knows it.

"Something, sure", I say, sarcastically.

I turn and head for the living room yet Damon's standing at the door.

"What? Why you standing there?", I ask. Confused.

"You need to invite me in", he states.

"Come in?", I say, doubtedly.

We go to my room and Damon sits on my bed and tugs me so that I fall on him. He wraps his arms around me, cuddling me and grazes his lips alongside my throat. I move a bit as to allow him more room to sink his fangs into.

In a delicate movement, he inserts his fangs and drinks in some blood. Its not much painful but it sure hurts a bit.

After he is done, he kees cuddling me and kisses the the fang marks.

I know what he is doing. He is trying to distract me.

I move out of his embrace and struggle to sit up straight.

He got the signal and releases me at once.

"Damon, we need to talk. About everything. You need to tell me and I need to know", I say sharply.

"You really want to know? If I tell you, will I get to know about yours too?", he asks, not sure.

"Yes. Anything you want", I clarify.

"Well then, what do you want to know", he sighs, giving up.

"The obvious. Your past history and romances", I say nervously.

He says nothing for a moment. Something has changed in his attitude. Is he afraid? Nervous?

"Promise me, you won't leave me after this", he asks and I instantly promise him that.

"There was a girl or a vampire, to be precise, who was my first true love. Or so I thought. She played both of us and we were ready to do anything for her. Yet, we were not aware of her motive. She is the reason that we are this living dead person", he said with a hint of sadness.

"We? Who is the she?", I prompt.

"We included me and Stefan. Yes, we loved the same girl and she worked that up to her advantage.", his voice full of digust. "She turned us brothers against each other. Made us monsters and killers. She is Katherina Pierce aka Katherina Petrova."

"Katherina Petrova? Sounds so ancient," I add in a whisper. I didn't know what to say.

Damon smirks, "Uh huh. Yes, ancient. But only by her age. She is as beautiful as ever". He said with admiration.

As beautiful as ever. I feel a sharp pang of jealousy with the statement. She had won Damon's heart. He still thinks about her. Even now.

He continues his story. "After I became a vampire, I turned into a total monster. When one becomes a vampire, the emotions, thoughts, feelings, everything heightens. Soon, it became too to take. Knowing that I was betrayed, lied to and I cursed myself for it. Also, the fact that I had to carry the guilt of killing innocent people to quence my thirst, added to the burden. So, I flipped the switch". He explains.

"Flipped the switch?", I ask, lost.

"Well, that a perk of being a vampire. We can turn off our humanity. That way, we don't have to carry the pain, the guilt, remorse all our life.", he stated.

To be honest, I am shell shocked. But I don't show it so that he continues.

"Anyway, thats the past. I've killed many people since then and I've been heartless but only because I don't want to be hurt again. And as you saw, many people see me as a dick, arrogant and obnoxious bastard," he smirks.

I nod, taking in all the information. Now, I understand him to some extend.

"Will I ever get to see Katherine?", I joke, hoping to lighten the moment.

"You see her everyday", he mutters darkly.

Everyday? Katherine is amongst us? Confusion is clear on my face, so Damon starts again. "Elena".

"Wh--what?", I stutter. "Katherine is Elena? Elena is Katherine?"

"Hear me out, babe. Elena us the doppelganger of Katherine.".

"Doppelwhatger?", I ask, lost in the word.

Damon laughs. "Doppelganger. Means they both look alike. Just the difference is that Elena's not the bitch like Katherine.", he explains.

Oh, now I get the attitude of Damon towards Elena.

"Ain't it hard for you to be around her when she reminds you so much about Katherine?" I question.

Damon gazes at me and says "it used to be. Not anymore". He leans to kiss me and I blush.

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