Chapter 30 - There's nothing wrong with missing a friend.

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A.N: Check out the note in the end.


Cindy's P.O.V: 

One unchanging fact about life is that whatever event takes place in it, it goes on, despite of the however deep effect the event has had on you. Nothing around you changes, except for a few things that matter to you only. The proof of this is that even though it has been more than a week since my little argument with Luca and even though I've been feeling like something is missing or something doesn't feel right, nobody else seems to feel the same way, like something is missing from their lives. School goes on like usual, so does work, but not really like usual, because there's no more of that somewhat pleasantly annoying company in my daily life. That somewhat pleasantly annoying company also goes by the name of Luca Andrews.

He's not completely gone, but our friendship isn't the same. Its now limited to awkwardly polite greetings or catching each other's eyes sometimes, and a couple of sad-ish half smiles from his side.

At first, he came up to me in school and tried talking to me like he always did, but when my response remained more distant than usual, he stopped trying after a few days. One day, he brought up the topic of our argument and tried explaining himself again. I understand, I do, but I have also gotten a reality check that Luca and I are only friends. Also, Luca is a known player and for all I know, I could be just a worker to him. Even if not so, what's the guarantee that he won't dispose of me later on, the way he did with his ex-girlfriends? Sometimes when I think about it, my heart feels a bit like its slowly sinking or curling up grumpily, but I shake my head to get rid of those dramatic thoughts and feelings.  Sometimes when I get a bit too lost in thought and realize it, I shift my attention to my goals, my dreams, which are buying my own car and studying Astronomy in one of the finest and most accomplished universities. That proves to be distracting enough, it fills me up with a kind of buzzing excitement and motivation, which I know always dissipates slightly as soon as I have to give exams, but it does the trick for the moment.

I walk down the road, going home after a long day of school and work, when I notice a familiar person walking out of a hardware shop, holding a small packet. I contemplate if I should say hi or not, because we aren't really friends, but just as I'm about to continue walking, the person looks up. His face shows that he has recognized me too and he walks up to me.

"Walker." Chris greets me.

"Uh...your surname?" I reply, smiling sheepishly. 

He laughs heartily. "Nixon. Where you headed to?" 

"Home. You?"

"Just picking up some screws." He answers, holding up the packet then slipping it into his pocket.

"Ah, okay." I nod, then continue. "Well, see you at school then?"

"How about I walk you home?" He offers.

"Oh no, thankyou, I'm good." I deny politely.

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