Chapter 17

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT the owner of this account. This is the co-owner. Hopefully, I can help her out with updating. I am sorry if my style is a lot different than Jamie's (can I call you that XD). Anyways, let me start now.


"W-what are you doing here?!" I spat out. Was he the one who put the poison in me? 

"I am here to take you back!" he yells back.

"You should leave now. Are you the one who put the poison in Y/n?" I hear coming from behind me.

"Killua!" I hug him. He looks really angry.

"So what if I am? And Y/n is mine!" 

Killua looks even more angry. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but she's actually mine." Am I an object now? I looked at Killua and he was gone.

"Where'd he go?" I mutter to myself. {AGH I AM NOT GOOD AT FIGHTING SCENES}

"Y/n, please go." I hear Killua say to me. It hurt because I CAN fight.

"But I can hel-"


"No. I am not leaving after everything. I'll help you," I yell to him. He strikes Cole with lightning, but he seems to be fine. How? He doesn't seem that strong, to be honest. Killua activates Godspeed. He hits him some more, but he still seems fine. I looked away for a second, and Cole disappeared.  I sense him pop up behind me, so I back up from there. He seems really dangerous. Killua goes in front of me.

"I'll give you one last chance to leave and never come back," Killua yells to Cole.

"I'm not leaving without Y/n!" Cole yells back.  

"I'm staying with Killua. Why the hell would I go with you after all of this?" I'm so confused and scared at the same time. What can he do if he just got attacked with lightning? Maybe he has good endurance like Killua? Killua went through a lot to be able to endure it, so that's most likely not it. Killua stands in front of me and takes some yo-yos out.

"Tsk. What are those going to do?" Cole says, a little too cocky. Killua aims them at him and ties him up with them. He then sends electricity through them. He seems to be unconscious, but I still stay on alert. I feel bad for not helping him at all.

"Hey. You okay?" I hear Killua say.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for everything, Killua," I say sheepishly. I feel bad that I am giving him so much trouble. But I know that he wouldn't let me be by myself.

"It's not that big a deal," he says, blushing. He's adorable when he blushes. 

"Whatever. Are we just going to leave him here?" I ask looking own to Cole.

"Obviously not! Let me throw him out the window!" he says sarcastically.

"Hey! Hmph!" I puff my cheeks. He chuckles a little. He grabbed Cole and started walking to the police station, I guess. He drops him off there and we go back in to our room. I laid on the bed, thinking about everything that just happened.

"What you doing?" he asks laying next to me.

"I'm thinking. Big surprise,  right?" I chuckle after I say that.So does Killua. "But," Killua looks at me now more seriously. "What if he wasn't the one? What if it was somebod-"

"I'll protect you," he covers my mouth. I blush a little bit. I was really hungry, so I got dressed. "Where are you going?" he asks.

"To go get food.....? I'm really hungry...." I sheepishly say with a grin.

"I'm going with you." he starts getting dressed as well. I realize this moment I just changed in front of Killua. He didn't mind so it must be okay. I blushed a crimson, to a scarlet, and back to my normal face color once Killua was done changing. "You have money, right?" he's probably going to get a lot of stuff.


"Okay! Let's go!" he grabs my hand and starts dragging me out the door.

"Guys! Where you going?" Oh. It's Gon! I totally forgot we were at Gon's house (A/N: I had to go to chapter 16 a couple times and I forgot you're at Gon's house soorry! XD).

"Gon. You need more security in your house." I hear Killua say.

"Eh?" Gon tilts his head. I burst out laughing. We tell him what happened and he seems amazed about everything. I start laughing again.

"Hey, Gon. You want to come with us? I'll be paying, sadly," I joke.

"Sure! I won't order much, but I'm not too sure about Killua," Gon says scratching his head.

"I'll make sure he won't order that much." I accidentally let of evil aura. They both back away from me. "H-hey!" I yell walking over to them. The scary aura goes away, so they get closer. Killua guides us to this cafe. 

"I passed by this town and went here," Killua says.

"It seems nice! I'm really hungry!" my stomach growls. I start walking in and I sit at a table. Gon and Killua follow.

"So, what do you guys want? I'll go order." Killua says.

"H-hey! I'm paying, so tell ME what you guys want!" I insist to them.

"Fine. I'll have a biscuit and coffee," Killua puts his hands behind his head.

"I'll have a chocolate chip cookie," Gon says.

"Are your sure you don't want anything else?" I warn.

"Yeah. You're the one who's hungry!" Gon replies.


I go to the counter and order their food and mine as well. (A/N I'll let you choose what you got child)

"Here you guys go!" I put their orders on the table. Killua pulls me in to the seat next to him. I feel my cheeks burn, but it dies down soon. We all eat and decide to get home. It seems to be night, so we all go to bed.

"I don't feel like sleeping," I mutter.

"I understand why."

(Hey! This sucks so much I'm sorry xD. I hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry it took me a while to finish it!)

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