Chapter 6

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AN: I wanted to show you guys what the drafts for this story looked like, I thought they were really funny haha!

Y/n's POV:

It'd been a week since someone had attacked, and I hadn't seen Killua once. He hadn't even tried to contact me through thoughts, which I thought was weird until I remembered how distant he was and apparently still is. I'd been talking a lot to my Yorknew friends, though, so he hadn't really been on my mind. I'm

Who was I kidding? Of course he was on my mind.

I could barely stop thinking about him. I could contain this through the communication through thought, as I could only send him messages. As far as I knew, he couldn't read my mind. I got over him pretty quickly when we parted when we were younger, but now he was back again the feeling was back immediately to distract me from everything. That was the reason I didn't want to contact him- I knew this feeling would only get stronger, but if he wanted to talk I would talk back to him. This was how I was planning on doing things. I examined the red mark on my hand. He was probably busy anyway. Maybe he wasn't even in Yorknew anymore.

I decided to go out on a walk. As soon as I left my house, I felt myself bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm so-" I looked up cautiously. My eyes widened.

It was Illumi.

"You..." I growled. I wished there was some way I could contact Killua.

Wait. There was.

"And you." He said, nodding towards me. "I'll be leaving." He carried on walking. I needed to buy some time.

"You... You killed Alluka." He turned his head back towards me and raised his eyebrows.

"And?" I quickly thought out a message to Killua.

Killua, you there?

He replied almost immediately.

Yeah, you okay?

Killua, I just ran into Illumi. Come to my house quickly.

Im coming. He sounded unusually calm, yet indescribably angry.

"And? Is that all you have to say for yourself? You took an innocent person's life!" I yelled at him angrily. His eyebrows remained raised.

"Killua took many lives. Why do you care about that?" I gritted my teeth.

"That's different! She was your sister! (An: I'm sticking to sister and I know it's wrong but I don't care xD) Killua was brainwashed to kill. By you and your family. You're doing it because you want to. So don't go telling me that Killua was in he wrong!" I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately recognised it as Killua's

"Y/n, you don't need to talk anymore." He took a couple steps towards Illumi. "And as for you. Well... I'm going to kill you." Suddenly, Killua activated his God Speed. But it was different. The volts of electricity were red. Dark red.

"Killua..." I whispered.

"Illumi, I've been waiting for this moment for four years. I've learnt over time to incorporate my own blood into my electricity." Illumi showed no sign whatsoever of emotion. I had to admit- I was scared.

"Killu, I have to go." Suddenly, he was gone. Killua deactivated his God Speed.

"Damnit!" He said angrily. "I let him get away. I let him get away..."

"Killua..." I said again, walking over to him. "If you killed him, would that really satisfy you? It would make you no better than him, even though Alluka was innocent. Give up on him." He looked down for a second in contemplation and sighed.

"You're right. I need to let go." I nodded and smiled at him. He smiled weakly back.

"Anyways, I was just on my way-"

"Y/n, can I ask you a question?" Killua asked me.

"Sure, go for it."

"Do you still-"

"What's that noise?" We both slowly looked upwards towards the sky. We saw several people with outfits exactly the same as the man from a week ago. "It's gonna have to wait."


We both jumped into action, attacking every man we saw. We managed to get several down, but they seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

Eventually, we had them all down and they were being taken away.

"There's only gonna be more. What's going on?" I whispered to myself.

"I don't know." We both sighed simultaneously. "We need to work it out. Yorknew could be in danger." I nodded in agreement.

"Oh, Killua, what did you want to ask?" I asked him, smiling.

"Oh... It doesn't matter. Don't worry about it." I frowned but nodded anyway. I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to ask.

We walked next to each other in silence, which gave me some time to look at him. He'd definitely changed. He was much taller, and a lot more muscular. He did a good job of hiding it. His hair was slightly longer, and his eyes were bright blue. I quickly looked away before he noticed.

"I'm gonna head home." I told him, smiling.

"Yeah, my too. Thanks for bringing me to my senses, Y/n." I blushed a bit.

"Anytime. I'll see you around." I gave a small wave before I turned and walked away from each other.

Killua's POV:

I stared at Y/n as she walked away. I couldn't help it. She was just so perfect, and she really had no idea.

I didn't know the next time I'd see her again. I knew I needed to see her again- and soon. I'd really forgotten how much she'd meant to me, and those feelings were surfacing once more.

"Y/n, wait!" I called out on impulse. She turned around, surprised, and I ran over to her.

"What's up?" She asked, smiling again at me. Even when she just smiled at me, it felt like enough.

"I... We... I need some more help with extracting the nen from Sara. I was wondering if you could help me out?" I could've sworn I saw her eyes light up.

"Of course!" She said, grinning. She was relentlessly happy- another reason I loved her.

"Okay, I'll meet you outside your house tomorrow at twelve?" I asked her.

"Sure, I don't think I have anything planned."

"Okay, I'll see you then." I turned and walked away again, feeling happier than I'd been for years. After Y/n told me to let Illumi go, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest.

From that moment, I decided; I was going to get Y/n back.


Woo hey everyone! I hope you liked this chapter!! - Jamie

Like you used to(Sequel to "I'd tell you I love you...") Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat