Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV:

After Killua and I decided to temporarily live together, I set him up in the spare room my apartment had and he got most of his stuff from his house. We weren't planning on doing it for long- much to my disappointment- so he didn't bring absolutely everything. It felt weird knowing he was just down my corridor.

I was spending the time I had recovering trying to research a bit more on what had happened to me, but not much was coming up. I knew this may not be something I'd have to research, but rather something I'd have to just fight when the time came. I sighed in annoyance and put my laptop to the side. All I knew is there'd been no other events quite like mine. That got me thinking that it would probably be someone I knew. I felt annoyed that I couldn't pinpoint who it might be.

"Found anything?" I looked up to see Killua leaning against my doorframe, his hands in his pockets. I shook my head sadly.

"Nothing." He walked over to where I was sitting at my desk.

"Makes sense." He said quietly, sighing to himself. He looked back up at me and I gave him a half hearted smile. He remained serious so my smile quickly dropped. He seemed genuinely worried about this. "I'm gonna go and see if I can find anyone again." He said, walking out my room. I out my head on the desk. All of the staying indoors was driving me crazy already. I knew that even if I wanted to, there was no way that Killua would let me leave unless he knew I was 100% safe. Suddenly, Killua invaded my thoughts. Quite literally.

Y/n, come quickly.

I immediately jumped up and ran down the stairs and threw open the door, only to be met face to face with someone I'd never seen before. He had a belt of knives, and a sinister smile. I immediately knew he was the one who was trying to hurt me.

"Why are you trying so hard to hurt Y/n?" Killua asked angrily. He had his fists balled, and he was definitely pissed off. The opponent just smiled.

"She's the biggest threat. And also the cure." He replied simply. "There are too many things she's capable of doing that could destroy her ambush."

"How do you know that?" I asked, beginning to get angry myself. His smile just got wider.

"Let's just say I have my sources." He said to me. I frowned. Something here wasn't adding up. I wasn't sure what, but how would he have 'his sources'? The only source he would have would be someone directly related to me, and my relatives were all dead apart from Chiuki (AN: for all that don't remember, that's her sister:D). Killua gave me a confused glance before turning back to him.

"Whatever. Let's fight." I watched carefully as Killua charged, full speed, at an opponent he hadn't even examined. I was so in shock at the whole suddenness of the fight that I jsjr stared before quickly snapping out of it. What could I do to help? The opponent was strong, and even Killua alone wasn't doing too much to it. Killua was even using his God speed and electrocuting him, but that was barely affecting him. Suddenly, I knew what I needed to do. It was risky, but it could really help. After all, Killua couldn't go on the way he was forever.

I closed my eyes and concentrated hard on the opponent. I opened them again, using all the strength I had to make sure he was perfectly still. His eyes were wide open, and he looked panicked. I crossed my arms and stepped into a defensive position, holding him in place.

"Y/n? Are you crazy!" Killua yelled at me. I just shook my head rapidly at him and pointed to the opponent.

"It's too late now. Attack him quickly before I can't hold this anymore!" Killua, realising there was no turning back, jumped into action, shocking him from every possible position. He was just a blur to me- I could barely see what was going on. However, the pressure I had from him was getting stronger, and I was getting more tired. It was only a matter of time before I collapsed and seriously hurt myself. If was worth it, though- to save my own life and also stop Killua being so stressed about my safety. I closed my eyes and concentrated on it, forcing myself to not think about anything else.

Killua was still going for it, and so was I, but like I said. It was only a matter of time.

I felt my eyes closing, but I refused to give up. He was still getting stronger, and Killua was barely doing anything to him at this point. The whole thing almost seemed futile- like we were going to lose either way. I sunk to my knees, still holding on.

I didn't know what to do.

Sorry about the mega short chapter- the next one is a lot longer! - Jamie

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