359. Garage

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359. Garage: Write about some random item you might find in a garage.

Isn't it funny how gratifying it is to help someone out? There's nothing forced about it. You just know that you have done a good deed, and somehow this knowledge spurs good thoughts.

We live across the street from a sweet, elderly couple. They moved into their house not long after we did, and we have remained casual friends with them for years. They attended my graduation party. However, they are getting along in years, and we hear of their increasing health problems. For being over 90 years old, though, they are doing good.

A couple of years ago, the man was outside trying to tend to his lawn. It may just be my area, but it seems like the leaves on the trees fall when it's winter more than when it's autumn. It was a chilly day, and the ground was a conglomeration of red, yellow, and brown leaves. My dad happened to glance out the window and saw the man attempting to rake up his leaves.

So my dad, my brother, and I went across the street with our rakes and offered to help. He was surprised in a sweet way. "Well, this is so nice of you," he said. "I appreciate this so much."

And it was so simple. With all of us helping, we speedily raked up all of his leaves and bagged them. It took around thirty minutes. The man thanked us effusively and later brought us some cookies.

So simple... but it's the simple things that can make the biggest impact.

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