203. Boredom

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203. Boredom: Write about being bored or make a list of different ways to entertain yourself.

1. Read books

2. Read ebooks

3. Read fanfiction

4. Read the back of shampoo bottles

5. Eat

6. Eat some more

7. Arrange Spotify playlists

8. Look at to do list

9. Then decide that you're much more likely to be productive if your planner looks nice

10. Spend an hour or so decorating your planner

11. Twiddle thumbs

12. Get distracted by WeHeartIt

13. Heart 100 new images and make two new collections devoted to fanart

14. Remembers that somewhere out there you have a DeviantART account

15. Logs in, gets lost and confused, goes back to WeHeartIt

16. Takes some personality quizzes

17. Shares the results on Facebook

18. Gets notifications of likes; eagerly checks Facebook, but the two people you most want to like your status don't

19. Morosely look through Instagram

20. Gets cheered up by funny pictures on Instagram

21. Decides you should write now

22. Procrastinates

23. Buys a pig, paints a flower red, goes skydiving with George H. W. Bush

24. Anxiously remember that you're supposed to update tomorrow and you haven't written a word of the chapter

25. Steels yourself, writes 300 words

26. Ends up writing emotional letters to people

27. Cleans room

28. Gets discouraged by how ugly it is

29. Ends up watching room tour videos on YouTube

30. Realizes the whole day was wasted and resolves tomorrow to be more productive


A/N: HAHAH, I don't actually do these things... at least, not all at once. ;) I'm a bit too busy to be bored, but it's true that I do procrastinate, especially with WeHeartIt and YouTube.

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