340. Unfinished

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340. Unfinished: Write about a project you started but never completed.

I always wanted to rewrite a fairytale. The closest I ever got to finishing one was a 3/4 completed retelling of The Princess and the Pea that I started writing some 4 or 5 years ago. One day I'll finish it... or I hope so! I would add to it sporadically, and it's pretty humorous and amazing to see the different styles it's written in. The first few chapters are very simple and the narrative is slightly annoying, honestly, whereas the last few chapters are deep and introspective. My main character literally does a complete 360° personality spin.

But otherwise, I still think the idea I had was valid, and there's a lot of good parts in that unfinished draft I would like to rescue from the other nastiness.

For those of you who don't know, The Princess and the Pea was written by Hans Christian Anderson. It's about this prince who's had a bit of hard luck finding a "real princess." While he and his parents are mulling over this conundrum, there's a knock at the castle door. It's a girl, who claims she's a real princess. Well, the royal family's a bit doubtful, but they let her stay. Then someone has a bright idea: "Hey, let's stack twenty mattresses on top of each other and underneath them we'll place some peas. Only a real princess would be able to feel that! Har har har!" So they're all like, "That's brilliant, Steve! Let's do it!" So they put the girl on top of the mattresses and let her sleep. The next morning, they ask her how she slept and she goes, "It was terrible! Felt like I was sleeping on a bed of rocks!" What happened next was probably like

 The next morning, they ask her how she slept and she goes, "It was terrible! Felt like I was sleeping on a bed of rocks!" What happened next was probably like

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But I never did finish it... My issue is that I am a little too stubborn, and I never give up. So one day I'll finish this story. I'll scrap it and reuse the best parts or rewrite it.

And one day... maybe you'll be reading it.

If you like fairytale retellings, that is. It's a bit of an acquired taste.

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