304. On the TV

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304. On the TV: Flip to a random TV channel and write about the first thing that comes on - even if it's an infomercial!

I literally watch one TV show a month. 😂 So I clicked on the first video on YouTube. It was a commercial about cats.


Toward the end of last year, my brother moved houses, so we babysat his kitten. It was a six month old thing by the name of Bubbles. She was reportedly very sweet. However, when she arrived at our house, she was going through heat and basically went insane. I've met mean cats before, but Bubbles was legitimately trying to harm us. We were scared of her.

It was New Years' Eve. We ended up spending hours trying to catch Bubbles. We tried trapping the dang thing under a laundry basket, throwing a towel over it, everything. It got to the point that someone took our broom and looped an old phone charger through the hole at the top of the handle to make a rudimentary noose. We still couldn't catch her.

It was past midnight when we finally herded her outside. She was still attempting to murder us. What a way to start 2016!

Well, the saga doesn't end there. Bubbles made some man friends while she was outside. Two of the got in a vicious cat fight over her. When my brother finally came to pick up his pet, he informed us later that Bubbles was pregnant. Whoops.

Bubbles gave birth to three kittens. One of them my brother kept and named Han Solo. Another one, named Kylo Ren, he gave to my other brother. The last one, the runt, we got, since we were responsible for its existence in the first place. Its name was Phasma, but she also goes by Little -- or, as my niece says in her baby voice: "Yittle."

Little is insane. My brother recently reported her mother, Bubbles, has had another litter of kittens and that he thinks Bubbles has feral blood in her. Little definitely lends credibility to that statement. She's always up to no good, that little cat. Her only redeeming quality is that she's plain adorable.

The good thing about Little is that she's small. So she's the perfect size for my niece to play with, and even though Little is a sly little thing, even she can't escape an enthusiastic, three year old cat lover.

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