274. Email Subject Lines

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274. Email Subject Lines: Read your email today and look for subject lines that may be good starters for writing inspiration.

*awkwardly goes through the hundreds of free crochet pattern emails I'm subscribed to*

NaNoWriMo is on the Horizon

I don't claim a lot of virtues because I know good and well I've only got about two, but one of them is that I'm a hard worker. Everyone that knows me will agree it's so, and I take a lot of pride in being known as someone who will work their butt off over even the simplest of tasks. It's why I've been officially working since I was fourteen and why in 2016, I'll have written 1 epic, 4 novels, 2 novellas, and hundreds of short stories and poems. I say this to prove that I know what I'm talking about when I say SET GOALS.

Don't treat goals lightly. Some people hold their word to be their honor. Treat your goals with the same solemnity. And so this is why I say -- don't set a lot of goals. This sounds strange, but if you have hundred of goals, you're not going to remember them. Have a short list of things you want to accomplish in a period of time, so each one will demand your attention strongly. Always set a time limit, as a race against yourself on when you can complete this. Stick to a goal once, and the gratification from reaching it will motivate you to strive for others.

In the same manner, don't set unrealistic goals unless you're prepared to dedicate x amount of your time, influence, and intellectual power in completing it. Your goals should be challenging and something worthy of your time, but not impossible. Start small and work your way up.

You’re going to get discouraged. It’s a problem for most humans that our insecurity will convince us we're too incompetent to attain that trophy or win that race. Listen: You’re not. You are how you consider yourself. If you think you're dumb, then your fear over appearing dumb will render you dumb. In terms of writing, if you think your story is bad, then by giving up, it is bad. It's incomplete and doesn't have the work necessary to make it good. If you think your dream career will take too long to achieve, simply your dread will make every day drag by.

We control our thoughts, and our thoughts controls our life.

There's a difference between goals and tasks. Goals are long term and tend to require significantly more effort. Doing daily tasks can lead to completing a goal.

The power of thought is underrated. We let our minds go when we should be constantly disciplining them. It’s habit to be negative, and habit to be positive. A quote that's on one of my old diaries is:

"Happiness is a habit. Cultivate it."

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