286. Outcast

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286. Outcast: Write about someone who is not accepted by their peers. (for example, the Ugly Ducking)

An open letter:

It's okay. It's okay. I know you're different. I know other people are scared or intimidated or put off by your differences, but it's okay. It's okay to be yourself and to be content in that. It’s okay to be confident. It’s okay to be insecure. It’s okay to be ugly, to be pretty, to be smart, to be dumb, to be athletic, to be nerdy. It’s okay to be into pop music or yodeling. It’s okay.

I'll accept you. I feel like that's something people toss around a lot without meaning it, but I do. I'll accept you not based on who you are, but based on who I am. I'll love you based on who I am, not who you are.

It doesn't mean I believe everything you believe. It doesn't mean I hate you because we have different beliefs. Acceptance isn't complete agreement with everything you say and do.

We’re all kooky and we're all going to stand out somewhere. We’re all going to be insecure and feel like we'll never be understood. But it's okay to be yourself and to like the things you like. It’s okay to be weird. Rest assured: somewhere out there in the wide world, there are other weirdos just like yourself. And rest assured that you're not alone.


A/N: Today's the first day of NaNoWriMo! So that means shorter entries, scattered thoughts, and moments of panic. Whoo it's fun time!

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