273. Cure

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273. Cure: Write about finding a cure for an illness.

I have found the cure! The cure to a most disastrous malady that everyone has suffered at some point. It is a disease that affects the brain, hinders performance, and alters a person's whole life with lasting scars. It is insecurity, and I have found the cure!

It is so simple. So brilliantly, painfully simple. I'll tell you it.

It's to love people.

I'm convinced it works. Look for ways to build people up. In every person there is good, and if only we can train ourselves to see that good, we can then praise and appreciate those qualities. Everyone wants to be wanted. How easy it is to make them feel that way!

How easy to smile at someone as you pass them and greet them by name. How easy to thank a stranger genuinely for taking the inconvenience to hold the door open for you. How easy to encourage someone in whatever they choose to do. Encouragement and criticism can exist besides each other, I'm also convinced. How easy, natural, and quick to show someone you value them. After all, showing appreciation is the most effective when it's done through little gestures every day, and not one large gesture once.

I once wrote about something I said that was heartily approved by my male friends. I said that men want their opinions to be respected, listened to, and valued, even if you don't always agree with them. I think this applies to everyone. It's so simple to listen to someone's opinion, to ask for their advice, and to heed them. No one who is asked for advice gives it out without having a reason.

As for curing yourself... it's funny that you find your affirmation of your own worth in affirming others' worths.

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