347. Classic Rock

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347. Classic Rock: Pick a classic rock love ballad and rewrite it into a story or poem with a similar theme.

Honestly, one of the best part of this song is Billy Joel dancing in his music video.


Uptown Girl

It was totally ridiculous.

Right? Right?

But here I stood, in front of Noah, with a small smile because something felt right about it, even though everything about it was wrong.

"Look down upon them" -- that's the message that was drilled in me from birth. Pity the poor, disdain the working class, respect the rich. My mother never said those words to me, but they were ingrained in my education all the same.

Yet here I was.

"Madison!" he said, jumping off his stool. He grinned, and I couldn't help but want him to grin more. I liked the way his mouth turned up in only one corner, and even the sharp canines of his teeth were cute. Actually, his whole face was cute.

And I was ridiculous.

"Hey, Noah," I said, trying to keep my voice neutral. Don't lead him on, Madison, I told myself when I swore to quit him. I guess I wasn't very trustworthy, or my addiction to Noah was too strong. Was there a support group for girls who needed help staying away from irresistible smiles? If so, I needed to join.

I'm sure Noah was wondering why I came back after I said I wouldn't. I was wondering the same thing myself.

"What can I do for you?" he asked, with raised eyebrows and his smile turning sly.

"I don't know."

He stared at me for a moment, this toughened man-boy, with his thick arms and stubble. Even his eyebrows screamed "not my type." So why in the world did I find his bright eyes and laughter so attractive?

"I should go," I said, and hitched my purse higher on my shoulder. "I should go," I repeated, because I knew it was true and I didn't want to.

He stepped out from behind the counter. There was a grease stain on his shirt and other, mysteriously-colored stains on his jeans. "Tonight," he said.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Tonight, I'll meet you at Dairy Queen at 6 o'clock. Give me a chance, Madison," he said, and there was something incredibly convincing about his imposing visage pleading for me.

"I -- okay," I said. I had never been to a Dairy Queen, and silently resolved to bring my taser. "I'll see you there."

He nodded, and returned to his usual face. "Dress casually. None of that designer crap."

I looked at him, affronted. "Don't insult my brands," I said forcefully.

He merely winked as I huffed. Stupid Latino boys with their disarming smiles and infectious laughter.


Probably should've warned you it would be cheesy. 😂

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