the Distraction

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Cisco watches every moves Reverse Flash made like a hawk. He lifts his arm and his hand turned blue, some of it glowed off him, this was defiantly something you haven't seen from him before. Reverse Flash laughs "Cute party trick." He was gone before appearing right in front of Cisco "But how are you supposed to hit something you can't see?" Cisco fired and Reverse Flash was gone, until Cisco was flung back by getting punched in the gut. He coughs not used to getting into fights but was up in a few seconds. Your heart sank, you knew how this was going to end, why didn't Cisco think of this? You struggle against your chains only to notice them getting loser, beside the chain was a nano bot that was cutting away at yours and Barry's chain. You looked at Cisco shocked, he didn't plan on defeating Reverse Flash, it was a distraction. Cisco pulled the replica of the freeze gun he made, and used it on the ground. Reverse Flash was forced to make a stop. Cisco held his hand up to shoot him "Got you there." Reverse Flash just laughs "oh is that so?" He starts to vibrate making the ice melt and runs around the room melting the ice before punching Cisco across the face. You looked at what was happening and tear up, if this didn't break soon he'd die. Reverse Flash laughs darkly "And you're supposed to be the hero?" He goes over and grabs his arms lifting him into the air "This was your last hope Flash?" He went to look back but Cisco kicks Reverse Flash in the face knocking the mask off. He went wide eyed when he saw who it was "D-Doctor Wells!?" Doctor Wells looked at Cisco angrily "My real name is Eoboard Thawne." Doctor wells make his hand vibrate and you could see the panic in Cisco's face. He looked at you and smiles sadly "I love you." You tug on your chain desperate to get free "Don't say that!" A gust of wind passes by you and you look over, Barry was free. Barry runs over and punches Reverse Flash in the face sending him flying into the wall and dropping Cisco at the same time. Reverse Flash laughs darkly "I see now... I guess you are at least kind of smart Cisco." Cisco got up and held the large bump forming on his face not saying anything. It was still a shock that it was his friend and boss Doctor Wells, and now he had to watch his friends fight. 

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