When you find Cisco dead

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You sigh softly heading into Star Labs. Cisco had stood you up but you couldn't exactly ditch work. You sigh and head into the main lab seeing Cisco's things still where they were last night. You frown confused and sigh "that's strange.." You set your things down going to see if Cisco was checking on his trap. He said he was planning on doing that soon anyway. You turns to go in and sigh "Alright Cisco you better have a good reason for stand-" You went wide eyed seeing your love on the floor dead. "Oh my god!" You scream and run to his side tears falling from your face "Cisco!?" You cry and pull him into his lap "oh god no, no, no, please no!" Caitlin ran over hearing all the yelling and crying. She gasps and quickly goes to Cisco's side checking for a pulse "I-I he doesn't have a pulse.." She quickly pulls out her phone and hits the panic app on her phone to alert Barry "I-It'll be ok Y/N, Barry is coming, he'll take Cisco to the hospital." You shook your head as you cried "He's been dead all night, I shouldn't have left him!" you yell clinging onto Cisco "This isn't your fault Y/N.." She sighs softly and held you in a tight hug.

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