When Cisco starts to work on the weapons

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Cisco went right to work moving around the lab as if he had super speed as well. Caitlin couldn't do much other than watch the male work around pacing slightly. He was focused and picks up the candy cane and places it into his mouth. Caitlin sighs a little "Cisco! Stop stress eating!" Cisco was busy working as he sucked on the candy cane in his mouth "Can't to stressed." Caitlin sighs a little but watched him work "I guess it's alright... But just this one time!" Cisco let out a soft chuckle "Thank you doctor~" He teases and Caitlin just rolls her eyes. Cisco was trying to keep calm but it didn't seem to be working because Caitlin kept looking over at him now and again. He knew it was wrong that he was stress eating, most of all sweets, but it was almost Christmas and you were in danger what else could he have done.

Cisco Ramon X Reader short one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now