When you find out Barry is the Flash

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Cisco grins as Barry handcuffs a criminal and gets back to the lab in seconds he laughs and grins "That was you're new best record!" He shouts rather loudly as he fists bumps Barry. Barry laughs "It's all thanks to you guys, thanks for upgrading the suit, it's much easier to move around in and it doesn't pinch." Cisco smiles "Always here to help!" You stand behind Cisco with you're arms crossed. When he turns around he jumps almost falling "JESUS Y/N!" He screams loudly. You wanted to laugh but you had to hold it in "You want to explain why Barry just appeared in star labs without any footsteps and a gust of wind knocked over my research? She huffs "Oh wait I know! He's the flash!" You were angry that they didn't trust you enough to tell you this. Cisco starts stuttering not sure what to say "We were... cosplaying?" you scoff angrily at him and turn taking your coat and throwing it over your shoulder "I'm taking the day off." You walk out angrily as Cisco sighs "Y/N wait!" but you were already out of the door. He sighs and sits in his chair sinking in slightly thinking how he betrayed your trust. His smile was gone and only guilt remained.

Cisco Ramon X Reader short one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now