When a meta-human attacks you

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((Hello lovely readers! If you would like to see something in the story feel free to leave a comment or message me! I'm writing this story for you guys so if you have any idea's I'd love to hear! <3)

You hold the mic to your ear "I'm going in." You land in front of the bank robber who quickly turns to you. He lets out a snarl "Ah, Ignition. What a pleasure to see you." Cisco quickly went back to the computer looking at Barry with an angry huff "We'll talk about this later." He quickly focuses onto the robber "So far no meta-human powers." He says into the mic. You nod and move closer to him "Drop the money." You say sternly. The man just let out a laugh "Hmm.. I think not." His eyes turn bright blue and suddenly you were thrown back by a giant wave of water, the second the water hit you, you're flames went out. Barry went wide eyed and sighs slightly face palming as you try to ignite again. Cisco on the other hand was panicking "not good, not good." You scoff "really! I would have never guessed." The meta-human just laughed at you for a good while and all you can do is glare daggers. He soon catches his breath and held the money bag "See you soon ignition, or you know, not." He quickly ran off before you could move to try and catch him cop cars could be heard. You huff and flick some water off from your face "I'm heading home Cisco have a towel ready." Cisco nods and sighs "got it." he got up and went to grab a towel "Barry you better start explaining."

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