The first time you see each other

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Cisco sighs slightly as he leans back in his chair. It was a rather particularly boring day, nothing cool or strange happened. No meta-human to fight, no weapon to make, just nothing to do. He grabs a lollipop and opens it starting to suck on it. "Mr. Ramon. I would like you to meet someone." Cisco blinks and turns in his chair to see who Dr. Wells would like him to meet. He went wide eyed at how stunning you were. He couldn't form words and just stares at you awkwardly his lollipop dropping from his mouth. He tries to catch it but it lands on the floor. You blinks confused at him but smiles and offers your hand to him to shake "my name is y/n. What's yours?" He couldn't help the dorky smile growing on his face "my name is Cisco Ramon. It's nice to meet you." He says just being able to from clear words. Dr. wells let out a slight chuckle  "Y/N will be working with you." Cisco grins from ear to ear "that's great!" He laughs happily "I can't wait to work with you Y/N!" You smile and laugh "I'm excited for you to teach me mr. Ramon!" He shook his head "no, no, no. That won't do, call me Cisco Ramon." You nod "alright! Cisco."

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