When Cisco gets a few memories back of you

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Barry nods and quickly changes into his suit before going to the computer "Did you see anything in there?" Cisco thought for a little before shaking his head no "It was empty, everything was gone other than a table and a few support beams.." Barry nods and watches as the results come back up "Twenty four matches. I'll go check them." Caitlin went wide eyed "Barry you can't go fight him on your own! We do-" Before she could finish he zooms off making papers fly everywhere. Caitlin let out a frustrated groan "I HATE when he does that!" Cisco only nods in agreement before frowning slightly "When did we get an extra computer..?" Caitlin glances over to busy with trying to track down Barry to stop the words that fell from her mouth "That's Y/N's computer." She stops realizing what she had done. Cisco frowns his brows going together in confusion "Who's Y/N?" Caitlin sighs softly and opens Cisco's desk to show a picture of all of you together "She's your girlfriend Cisco." He went wide eyed and stumbles back staring at the picture in shock a few memories flooding back to him, It was the first day that they saw each other "Y/N will be working with you." He saw himself grin ear to ear "That's great!" he watched as his past self laughs happily. He moves to his past self and looks at who he was talking to "I can't wait to work with you-" Cisco went wide eyed and both his past self and him say "Y/n!" he gasps as he clung to the desk being a little wobbly "W-What..? S-She works here?" Caitlin had moved to help him and nods "Yeah... Yeah I think you're remembering."

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