When everything changes

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You sigh softly leaning back in your chair, the both of you were waiting for something to happen. You look over and see Barry walk in and you wave a hand to him "Hey Barry." He seemed out of it as he looked around the lab confused and then looks at Cisco going wide eyed. He went over and hugs Cisco who hugs back confused. Cisco pats his back "Are you ok man?" He looks at you and you shrug slightly. Barry nods and smiles "Y-Yeah, I'm alright." He smiles softly and moves away. Cisco blinks confused but before he could say anything his meta-human alert app went off. "we got a robbery on fourth street." Barry went to say something but you got up before him "On my way." Barry watches you confused as you quickly grab your suit and get it on. Cisco was focused on the screen like this was normal and Barry turned red looking away. You run out and use your fire powers in order to fly to where this was going down. Barry went wide eyed "What..?" He says shocked. Cisco looks at Barry and raised a brow "What? You've seen this like a thousand times." Barry looked at Cisco with confusion and Cisco returns the look "Unless you haven't." Barry nods and looks where his suit was before. It was now replaced with a pillar  of stone. 

Cisco Ramon X Reader short one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now