When Cisco vibes you on accident

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It all started when Caitlin had finally decided to let Barry go. He was healed fully and there were no signs of any wounds. Cisco had decided to hang out with Barry more than you, which made you more than jealous, after all the both of you kissed. You sigh in thought it's not like he asked you to start dating or anything, it was just a kiss. Suddenly panic starts to bubble in your chest, what if he didn't like the kiss? You couldn't take it anymore, Both Cisco and Barry were out for a lunch break and you knew exactly were you were going. Dr. Wells simply glanced over at you with a raised eyebrow and you quickly wave "I'm gonna go on my lunch break, I'll be back soon!" You quickly walked through the halls before you hear Cisco talking. That's odd... You silently move to the door of the room he was in pressing your ear to the door. Of course it was hard to hear but you could mange to find out bits and pieces "I don't know..." And then a little after that "she might freak out..." You squint and try and to listen closer, this time another voice talks. "She won't... You..." You had to fight back the groan due to the fact you couldn't hear much "trust." Was the last thing you caught. It clicks in your mind that it was Barry he was talking to. You went wide eyed when you hear Cisco say "We should go, she'll notice were gone by now." You quickly try and back up but Cisco opens the door making you fall on top of him with a blush "hi." Cisco went wide eyed when he caught you "uhm... h-" He was cut off and he gasps looking dazed. You went wide eyed in worry. Barry puts his hand on your shoulder "Don't freak out, he's fine." You looks at barry confused and then look at Cisco as he seems to come back around "Are you ok?" Cisco looks at you and nods with a soft smile "Yeah.. I'm a lot better actually."

Cisco Ramon X Reader short one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now