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I didn't even know where to start. I couldn't just not show up to practice because I used up almost all of my sick days being lazy and not wanting to get up.

I sat down staring at the pictures of my Crystal over and over again. I knew if I didn't make it to her in time I'd live in guilt for the rest of my life. Even if she walked out on me and told me she couldn't marry me I can't let her die. At least not by him.

Not knowing where to start, I thought of hiring a private investigator since no one I talked to really knew who Crystal wa- is.

I began to panic and sighed looking down at my Rolex. I wanted to scream. I had a 2 hour practice that I knew I couldn't miss or I'd have to sit the next game out. Which was something I also couldn't let happen if I could avoid it.


My game was sloppy, the whole practice was me dropping catches that middle school boys could make. My coach noticed and didn't hesitate to cal me out on it.

"Beckham what's going on?" He said after blowing his whistle. I was shook on the inside and it was clearly showing. I couldn't erase those pics of Crystal from my mind and seeing her would probably make me remember them instantly.

"A lot on my mind coach."

"I understand you have a life outside of Football, but once you're on the field you have to distance yourself from that. Go home and get some rest, but next time I want to see better." He said patting my back and dismissing me.

I walked into the living room and heard the news that Xander had been arrested in Rochester on murder charges and my stomach dropped.

I couldn't believe I let her leave, and now she was dead because of me. Because I couldn't protect her from her crazy ex when I knew he was abusive. But everything was short lived when I saw pictures of the woman he murdered and she wasn't Crystal.

So I had to find her.

I looked at where the reporter was and I saw the houses address and quickly wrote it down.


"Crystal you need us more than you think. Where are you going to live when your discharged?" My mom scolded me walking back in forth in the room.

She had a point though. I couldn't believe that I was probably going to be moving back to Missouri. It was boring as hell, there was literally 30 people in my graduating high school class, and the nearest shops were almost 25-30 miles away.

"Please Crystal, just come home and we can start over and be a family again. And I'll promise I would not try to interfere with your love life." She said full blown crying now. I could tell she was being sincere which was irking me. My mom never wanted to be a mother and when I came, I apparently ruined her future. So for her to decide to want to be my mother now made me question her motives. Was she like Xander and wanted the money? Or was she truly sorry for what she did.

"So what do you say Crystal?" She asked looking straight at me quickly fluttering her eyelids to hold back the tears.

Considering I would be discharged soon, I had to accept her gracious invitation back home soon or be homeless.

"I'll sleep on it."


I woke up the next morning waiting to go home. I'd been tired of constantly hearing the beeping sound of the machines and the hard "mattress" was annoying. Not to mention that the temperature couldn't be adjusted and it was freezing.

My mom had left to eat breakfast with my father so I was stuck alone looking out of the window.

My door opened and I was eager to get my papers to leave, only, it wasn't a nurse and the person who entered was Odell.

I quickly turned my head back toward the window and prayed he would disappear.

"Crystal." He spoke silently making my heart stop for like 3.2 seconds. He sounded hurt and sad. When I looked toward him he had his head down and stood right in front of the door.

"How did you find me?" I broke the ice hoping to end the visit quicker.

"I saw he was arrested on the news and I thought you were the one who was dead, but when I found out you weren't I flew down here and went to almost every hospital close to where the news reported finding him at." He spoke.

"Why do you care all of a sudden? I was gone for like 7 months." I crossed my arms with a mean mug on my face. I'd honestly thought he forgotten about me, I was also starting to forget about him.

"I... I did care, but you gotta realize you left me. I couldn't find you cuz I knew you weren't stupid enough to go back to Xander's house and I didn't know if you had any people out here." He paused and then walked toward the window. "What are you going to do?"

"Move back in with my parents- I guess." I said uneasily. That was something no adult wants to say.

He sighed and I knew exactly what he was thinking. But at the moment I don't think it's the right thing for us. According to my doctor, I was pretty close to being labeled mentally impaired because of all of the abuse I took.

"Where they stay?"

"Missouri." I mumbled lowly.

He shook his head and walked to sit down. "You already know I wouldn't say no if you wanted to stay with me and it's up to you."

"What about your girlfriend?" I asked not forgetting the picture. It was as if it was embedded in my memory.

"She was a fling. But I ended that. I swear." I took the moment to stare him down while he wasn't looking up at me. He wore black beanie with a all black sweater and joggers.

"How long are you down here?"

"I have two days before I have to go back for practice." He ran his hands through his hair. I noticed the full grown beard that was only stubble on the sides of his goatee when I left.

"I kind of told my mom I'd stay with-"

"But you don't even like her. She was mean and you know it. Why would you want to put yourself back into that? And did you not move to New York because of her?"

"Didn't you just tell me it was up to me?"

"I mean yeah Crystal, but be real. What did she tell you that night we went to Atlantic City? That you weren't going anywhere in life right? And moving back home with her would prove her point." As much as it hurt to hear that it was true. I guess I had to decide quickly if I was going with him or her.

The only problem with going home with him would bring back a memory I didn't want to revisit.

Who should Crystal move with?

What else might have happened to Crystal?

Unfaithful: Odell Beckham Jr.Where stories live. Discover now