First Date:

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Louis: He took you to a food court.

"Um.... not to be rude... but isn't the first date supposed to be nicer." You laugh.

"Well, I want to see if there should be a reason to spending a lot of money on a girl. If I spend a lot of money on a date that fails.... it is a waste of money." He smiles.

"That is sweet. In a way." You smile.

"Well, our second date will be much better." He leans across the table and kisses you.

Niall: Niall took you to a movie theater to see Justin Bieber's Believe. You and Niall loved and I mean loved Justin.

"Amazing, right?"

"Definitely!" You say.

He leans in and kisses your lips.

Harry: "So, wanna dance in the rain?"

"Why?" You ask and laugh.

"Because, it's fun. And I have a surprise."


You guys rain in the rain and danced.

"Come here." He said and pulled you close.

He leaned in and kissed you.

Zayn: He took you to a mirror shop.

"I brought you here because I want you to see how beautiful you are. We are. Together." He says and kisses you.

Liam: He brought you to the beach. It was vacant. Only candles and a blanket were on the beach.

"Let's watch the stars." He suggests and you guys lay on the blanket.

"Liam, I am cold." You say and shiver.

"Come here." He wraps his arms around you and you kiss his nose.

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