Ashton Irwin

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You were so pissed off that your brother smacked you. You guys got into a big fight.

"Why do you even care?! So what.... I broke up with Tanya. You and Adam broke up."

"Different story, fucker. Tanya loved you. You know Adam didn't love me. At least I didn't fucking cheat. You cheated on the only girl that meant the most! She wasn't like the sluts you date and fuck. She was sensitive. You know that! You cheated on a girl that actually loved you and didn't want your nasty ass dick!" You yelled.

"Fuck off slut! Adam wanted you to have sex with him. Hit it and quit it bitch. Go die!"

This was the first fight that he called you these names.

He smacked your right side of your face and stormed out of the house, as did you.

Now, you are crying at a public park.

"Why are you crying?" An Australian voice said.

"My brother... he smacked me."

"No girl should go through that. Let's get ice cream."

You later found out his name was Ashton. You guys started dating and you haven't talked to your brother since.

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