Chapter 3

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Jamie's POV

I pulled into the parking lot in front of the school, quickly snagging a parking spot and killing the engine.

I peaked at Jose out the corner of my eye and saw he looked a little pale.

"Hey," I said with concern, " You okay?"

"Hmm?" He answered a little dazed.

I gave a slight laugh at his aloofness.


He just mumbled something incoherent. Hmm. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you even listening to me?" I demanded.

"Sure" was the only answer I got. You wanna play that game Jose? Fine. We'll play that game.

"So last night I went to go visit you and it was around one in the morning so I kinda figured you were asleep but didn't care. Anyway I thought I would stop by on my way home from my dad's house. I got to your house and rang the doorbell and all but nobody answered. So you know I just let myself in with the spare key under the mat. Right when I walk in I just see your parents full blown going at it like wild animals on the couch. And you mom- whoa. She was moaning really loud. But the funny thing is like they didn't even flinch at the sight of me. Your dad was all like 'Come join us' and at first I was just like 'erm what the fuck?' But then I was like 'ehh what the hell? You only live once.' So I joined them. And your parents are actually really good in bed."

After my whole made-up story the only thing he had to say was "Sounds fun."

Seriously?! I just told you that I fucked your parents and you say it sounds fun? No way. Something is wrong.

"Jose!!" I practically screech.

He jumped in his seat, turning to me wide eyed. "What?"

"No! You don't ask me what! I'm asking you what! As in what the hell is wrong with you? Jeezus Jose! You were quiet the whole ride. Then when I tell you me and your parents had a three way you said it sounds fun. Now you are not setting foot out of this car till you tell me what is going on!" I said frustrated.

Jose has been my best friend since before I even knew what a best friend was. I have seen more of this boy than any girl should and I know more about this boy than any girl should. And one thing I know for sure is that Jose is never quiet. Not even when he sleeps. Seriously the boy talks in his sleep. It's kind of adorable. But anyways I know something is definitely wrong even if he won't admit it. Or doesn't know it yet.

He sighed, knowing my threat wasn't empty. "To be honest Jay, I'm really not sure. I don't know why but I just have this funny feeling about today. Like something monumental is gonna happen where I have to be somewhere at a certain time. I just don't know where, why, or when."

Okay.. So that's not what I was expecting. I was all ready for some shit about a fight with his dad or something. I most definitely was not prepared for that answer. I was desperately trying to come up with a reply but thankfully I didn't have to.

"Wait what?? You had a three way with my parents?! Seriously? Jeezus Jay that is disgusting on so many levels." He exclaimed.

I just laughed and got out the car. Some times I really wonder why I'm friends with this guy.

Then I look over and see him grinning at me from the other side of the car and I remember.

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