chapter 20

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This will be the last one ow ang get ready to feel
I get back really early and im bummed hes dead and im dying ive bever told anyone my secret not even dean that im an actual angel. Im dying my grace is leaving and I have to leave dean. I have to go to heaven. I starting packing and went in gabes and sams room woke gabe up and wisperd ill see you dont tell them. I left and I was never returning.
My brother woke me ip to tell me he was leaving I cried the rest of the night because ik it was gonna happen to me someday and I just couldnt hurt him my samsquatch. So when dean woke up he was screaming and ran out of the room I was the only one in there the rest were at work
"Were is cass"
"He left"
"He was dying"
"Why was he dying"
"Ill tell u but I will fall and become human"
"Wait your not human tell me"
"Me and cass are angels and he was dying because he was getting to close to humans and he dint want to cut out his grace or die so he left"
"Um well y arnt you dying"
"I cut out my grace last night and cass healed the wound"
Dean started cring and bobby came in and I went to hide
"What happend kid"
"Bobby cass left hes an angel"
"Y dint gabe leave"
"He cut out his grace for sam"
"Well kid take the day off and watch netflex"
"Thanks bobby"
"Ya idgits"
Dean then went to his room turned on netflex to miffle cries but I dint work when sam got back he went in and I listend
"Sammy gabes was an angel and cass is"
"I already knew"
"And you dint tell me"
"But wait y isnt gabe and wheres cass"
"Cass left to save his grace and gabe cut his out"
"Wow I need to talk to gabe sorry dean"
He walked iut and by then I wasin the living room and sat on my lap
"So my angel is now human"
"Yes for u"
"Well that why I love u"we made iut and he started going deeper then we went to my room and did the best thing ever.
Cass left and crowley had to tell me somthing so we just tofay off. We went to my room
"Im not human honey bunch"
"What are you an angel too"
"Thats funny no"
"What are you
"Bobby im a demon the king of hell and I kniw you and the boys are hunters too and I also know you just reached for that blade but bobby love I wont hurt you inless you want me too"
"Damit crowley you tell me this after im in love with you"
"Your in love with me im in love with you too but sadley eaither we have to break up ir u have to come to hell with me"
"Im going I cant live without you plus you wont let me go to heaven when I die so I have to get use to the place"
"Really what about the boys"
"There grown and they can keep the shop runing"
"Fine lets go tell the and then pack"
We went to the living were we find a shirless sam and gabe we here sam whispers u are my everything then they see us and freeze sam sais "what"
"Well I came to tell u crowleys and demon the king if hell and were going to hell to live and im giving you guys this place"
"Ok you have to tell dean were not" sais gabe
With that they leave to there room and we knock on deans door "WHAT DO YOU WANT"
"Um dean its bobby, crowleys tge king of hell and were going to hell to live and I gave you boys the house"
"Ok just leave"
With that they leave and never are seen again
So guys im evil but you love me and let me know if you want mire I promise ill reply back to anyone within 72 hours. Ow and this was fun I have an idea for my bext book

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