chapter 6

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Ok guys I'm so so so sorry I'll explain after this chapter and yes ik it's been 3 days
We pulled up to school and everyone was starring because we were holding hands. My friends came over and said we already knew I was a matter of time. Dean's friends however came over and said we don't hang out with faggots. It really hurt him I could see. So i told him to skip school today and he said no he wanted to be with me to make sure I don't get bullied. It was not a normal day, no one talked to us except charlie and Kevin.
I was alone dean had gone to mechanics which was the only class he loved and was passing it's not that he wasn't smart he just dint care. Anyway I was alone in the hall then one of Dean's old friends Crowley came up and punched me and beat me till I was coughing blood then spit on me and said faggot. Dean found me and picked me up with ease and brought me to the hospital were I was put on air. My lungs were failing, my leg was broken and I was bruised everywhere. Then I blacked out and I don't remember after that.
I haven't seen cass or dean all night, so me and Sam go to school. We finally see them but they were holding hands which they knew would get someone beat up. They were and everyone was talking about them telling me he was queer. I acted like I had no Idea, but I could tell it pissed my sammy off. He ignored me the rest of school. Until 7th hour when we had to work together on a science project. At that point I was so sad that he would not talk to me I pleaded but he was still mad that I was lying, then I did something that was brave I kissed him deep but soft. Everyone either owwww or ewwwwww. He was not mad any more and hugged me whispers in my ear I love u. I said I love u too. Then we got a call. My brother was in a coma and dean wouldn't leave. We went to the hospital were Sam pulled dean out and I cried with cass I could tell Sam was doing his emotions thing to dean, I needed it to do it to me. Then u went out and asked dean wat happend all he said was Crowley and then I knew what I had to do.
Ok so I'm so sorry please take pity it's been a long week. My grandfather died and I've been planing the funeral and calling people. I'll make up up tomorrow I'm gonna post 2. Which brings me I have not shared my personal life at all u guys don't even know my name it's Gabby by the way but call me stabby it's my nickname. Everyone calls me it. And one thing u need to know is I love all u i will call u murders in training.
*Gives every one of my murders in training knives*
-love stabby

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