chapter 3

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Good morning Vietnam
So today it's about 10:30, I just woke up. And I figured that would be a great quote for this morning sence luci is my one true love ok now let's do this
I wake up its Wednesday which was ok there still sleeping, but I have to head out to pick up cass. I get there and he's outside looking steaming mad like he's gonna kill someone. Smiles when he sees me. He gets in and I say are u ok. He said no I'm not today's a day. I say well let's do something fun to cheer u up.
He said " like what"
"Like um lazer tag ur a nerd right"
"Yes sounds great but what about school"
"Skip it duh"
"I've never done that before "
" Well now you are "
Dean starts driving while they are castiel asks if he's straight
Dean sais " straight as a nail you"
" Straight as a rainbow slinky"
"I already knew u were gay"
"The way you look at me"
" U see that"
"Well of course"
"Dam assbut"
"What is assbut cass"
"The vast form of bad word"
"Ok then" dean smiles
They get there get out and go in the place
Bear with me I know nothing of lazer tag places
Play and the find cass is a little baby and hides behind dean
Dean just laphed
Cass got killed and had to sit out Dean won the whole thing by then it was 4 and they had to go back.
They went to casses house. When they got there Sam and Gabe just stared
Sam sais "where the hell have u guys been love birds"
Dean " none of ur dam business bitch"
Sam " jerk"
Cass sais " we went to lazer tag it was a day"
Gabe "well sounds fun we just got back from soccer practice we are part of the team"
Dean " Sam really h vest not be in any papers you here"
Gabe " why "
Sam " our father will find us and make us leave in so stupid and stupid"
Gabe " no ur not ur the smartest guy I know"
Cass " thanks"
Gabe " ur welcome "
Dean " u can play but don't let them take any pictures of u and if I'm not working I'll come to ur games"
Sam"thanks bro"
Dean and cass walk into the other room and dean changes cass stares and dean gets red
Cass"dam those abs though"
Dean "um sorry.....thanks"
Cass "don't be wierd about it dude"
So the rest if the evening was not very productive dean dint have to work and he got paid his check of 500 dollars for two days. So Dean asked if cass wanted to go to chillies with him as a friend cass said ya hoping it soon wouldn't be as a friend. They go there and dean orders the steak and cass orders shrimp and they talked about there brothers and how they were good for each other
Dean "he got him to eat candy he never eats that like ever"
Cass " he got him good enough grades to play soccer"
When they were done dean took cass home were he went in and sall sam and Gabe asleep. So Dean sicks Sam up and puts him in baby. And they go home. And go to sleep.
Same day
I wake up with gabe on me I nudge him awake and deans already gone.
Sam " we can just go on to school Dean's gone"
Gabe "what about my brother"
"Dean's got him"
"Ok kiddo"
They leave for school when they get there dean nor cass was there. Si they go to English anyway. To get to go to baseball you must be present in school. Mr. Witworth hands out pop quizes.   Which pisses Gabe of so he starts to go off but then just then Sam kisses gabe. Right after Sam sais "it was so u would shut up and not ruin our soccer chances"
" Sure it was"
They go throu the rest of the day peacefully smiling" at three they go to soccer practice cause Gabe had C's in every single class. Coach McCollom sais that he could play so they practice till 4:30. Then they go home and start on there algebra which gabe is surprisingly the master of. At 5 Sam and Dean walk in and they talk about were they been and Sam in soccer. Then they go to chillies leave us money to order pizza with was fine by me thought Sam
After they did physical science homework they put in a movie and fall asleep on each other .
Guys I think I'm going to just do dean and Sam one day and cass and Gabe another day

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