Gabriel 1

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When I woke up today I knew it would be a wierd one, just by sure feeling. Today was Monday was very boring and then when me and Cassie were in the library doing homework two guys walked in my eyes amediatly went to the short one with brown long hair. He was gorgeous I just wanted to kiss him then and there but I sall this other guy I'm guessing his brother who looked over protective. Probably would of pumbled me in the ground for doing that so I just walk over there and say hi I soon learned he wasn't a talker which was fine by me. But then he spoke and cass and Sam started talking and he spoke softly but he did I asked him if he liked the Harry potter movies and he said yes so we started leaving witch it was 3 anyway but the Dean stopped and said something intriguing and told sam him curfew which was ok for a 14 year old. So we go and it was brand new and we totally geeked with each other and sometime during this I started liking him more that just a friend. He was perfect but I was only 9 so we took a walk to my hangout and I asked if we could play a game he said ya soi said 20 questions. He said he'll ya. I went first I asked " how old are u" which I was preety sure but dint really know.
He said " 14" then he said he doesn't have any questions do just anser yor own so I said I'm 16. Then I asked y do h have to watch for your dad
He said" it's a long story"

" I have loaded of time"
He said be we don't it's 9:40"

" Ow shit "
So I take Sam home and I go home and go to bed. I did get his number

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