chapter 13

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OK so this might be shorter than I planned
I wake up and he is right beside me it was not a dream. I go make coffee and bring it in to him and when I walk in he is awake and sitting up smiling
Me "did I wake you"
I give him the coffee
"How do u feel this morning Cass"
I laph and just smile and so does he
"Well get dressed we have classes"
I give him our schedules
"What time us it"
"6am but were an hour away from the school and your first class starts at I mine started at 8:15 but I figured it would take at least an hour to get ready"
He get up and take his big shirt off where I'm naked he is staring me down smiling
"I'm gonna go take a shower do u want to come"
"Hell yes"
I take my cloths off and go in the bathroom with him
Our showers takes 30 minutes and its 6:30 when we get out. So we just decide to grad some food from McDonald's we leave sabriel a note
We have classes today we will be back by 8 tonight don't throw a party and don't burn the house down and look for jobs so you guys aren't just being lazy all day
~dean and Cass
At that we leave he orders coffee and sausage sandwich I order coffee and pancakes. We get to the school right at 7:55 he rubs in and I just wait in my class I read a cook book full of Italian things when the professor walk in
"Your early its only 8:10"
"My boyfriend has a class at 8 so I just decided to wait"
"So your the new student well I'm Mr. Witworth"
"Wait did you use to teach junior English"
"Why yes how did you know"
"Cause me and my boyfriend had your class together that's how we met"
"Ow the only gay hoys ice ever had you must be dean"
"Yes how's Cass"
"Y are u in a cooking class I always thought you would be a macanic or something like that"
"I have my mechanics degree already I want to do something else"
By then it was 8:15 and class was starting dean sat in the very front and today they were learning how to make lasagna from scratch his partners name was charlie
"Hay what's you name dude I'm charlie"
"Dean nice to meet you and smiled wide"
"Hay don't do that I'm a lesbian"
"And I'm gay"
"I'm being serious dude"
"Me too"
"Really I don't seem as if you were day u got a boyfriend"
"Yes his name is castiel he's a total nerd"
"Castiel novack"
"Yes do you know him"
"Is your last name us winchester"
"Yes why"
"Your the dude that dad made you leave him"
"Um yes"
"Thank god you really did come back ow and thanks"
"Well I use to think I was straight and u was all over Cass then he told me he was gay and about you then u relised I was gay too"
"Happy to be of insistence"
They got done really early from the others and there's was the best then it was the only time dean and Cass was together through the day lunch
Cass "how was your first class and who was your partner"
"Good and you know my partner her name is charlie she is a lesbian"
"Really small world"
They talked more and more then it was time for their last classes
Dean was minoring in construction he had two classes for it the first one was all notes all the time and it was an hour long then it was 2 and time for his last class which was an hour long it was hands on they started building a house an this kid named Benny was in it and they quickly connected. After the class Cass was the first one out and I was waiting in front of the door he came out grabbed my hand and kissed me everyone starred
"Dean what's next"
"OK then let's go"
I dropped him off At the nursing home  and told him I'd be back by 7 to get him and then I went to bobby's and him and his vest friend Crowley was already working along with like 4 other workers I walk up
"So you two love birds together yet"
Bobby "we ain't gay ya  idjit"
Crowley "well he isn't"
Bobby"what does that mean"
Crowley "ow nothing"
Bobby "OK then so Kidd how was class"
He asked as I put on a mask to start welding a car back together"
"Cool I guess I only get to see Cass once at lunch thou"
Crowley walks off to go help the new guy
"Speaking uf the devil where is he"
"At work I dropped him off we have the same hours"
"How's sam then"
"He's OK j would guess I do t see h this morning but him and Gabe made alt of noise last night"
We talk y we work on a car and then at 6:55 Bibby told me to go in home he would see me tomorrow he had to go check if Crowley is burning the house down
I get at the nursing home at 7 exactly and Cass is waiting he climbs in and tells me about his day and I tell him about mine and when we get home at 8 they made supper hamburgers and was watching harry potter so we got dinner and went to our room and we ate and fell asleep
Gabe woke me up about 10 am saying we got to get up and look for a job I was very sore
"Look dude I know you sore but we got to get a job to help with bills"
With that I got up and got dressed when I got out Gabe made breakfast it was bacon and eggs then we walked in town I found a fandom shopped and Gabe waited out side the interview took like 2 hours I got the job at least they said u start tomorrow
Gabe "well did you get it"
"Yes I start tomorrow at 10"
OK well let's go to lunch we found a small café and we ate their and talked for 2 hours then we went to a phone store were Gabe instantly got a job just because he was good with electronics he starts tomorrow at
When we got home it was 7 we decided to make dinner and watch a movie we heard them come in at 8 and go to this room when the movie was over we went to go the them the news but they were asleep so we don't they were asleep cuddling each other so we went to our room cuddled and talked till like midnight then fell asleep
So it wasn't as bad as I thought its late so I'm gonna do my homework then go to sleep
Good night my killers in training

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